☥ You have the choice ☥ the power to change your life ☥
☥ You have the wisdom ☥ ability to achieve ☥ maintain Radiant Health ☥
☥ There is no "bad" part of you; only parts of you yearning for love ☥ acceptance ☥ transmutation ☥
I have wrestled with how to connect with all that is US in an authentic and meaningful way that does not offend anyone. When faced with such challenges, I allow SPIRIT ☥ TRUTH (what we consider to be God ☥ our higher power) to make the final decision.
It is uncomfortable to say out loud that colonizers could not destroy Indigenous People, so they hid them inside this term that we call “Brown.” Using the term “Brown” renders Indigenous People invisible. Invisibility is what this website endeavors to reverse. It is not my place to label anyone - in fact my life’s work encourages us to drop these titles over time. However, I feel compelled by SPIRIT to specifically name and honor Indigenous People so that we can Heal ☥ Nourish ☥ Rise ☥ Master ☥ Our ☥ Lives. For many reasons, I have decided to officially drop the term “Brown” and will now refer to US as Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People (BIIP).
☥ Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard ☯
Dr. Hubbard's Three Truisms

Kamit☥ology is our online store on Zazzle that affirms self-care and offers ancestral wisdom for today's world. Kamit☥ology is a celebration of identity ☥ ancestry ☥ culture and the study of you. Each collection features Kamit☥ology's signature Sacred Geometry, visual healing art that improves mental acuity ☥ dexterity, problem solving skills, calms the mind and heals the heart. Scroll down to check out a glimpse of our current collections. New collections are currently under development and are continually updated. Be sure to visit https://bit.ly/ShopKamitology often to purchase the latest offerings. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Purchase the full “Journey To Radiance” Collection for friends, family, students, teachers, colleagues, community members and associates to share the healing strategies and to help us prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. When you share healing ☥ positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
The "Sexual Alchemy" Collection promotes sexual heath, radiance, vitality and ecstasy and seeks to prevent sexual debility, ignorance, perversion and abuse. These healing strategies have been in existence for thousands of years and have been refined ☥ taught by Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard to individuals, corporations, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and communities during her workshops, seminars, retreats and research projects.
Purchase and share this collection to help us destigmatize sexual health and prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. When you share healing ☥ positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
The "Can We Talk About Love?" collection helps us to better understand how to give, receive and embody love. This collection celebrates identity, culture and offers pluralistic strategies for loving and accepting ourselves so that we may cultivate healthy, loving relationships. "Can We Talk About Love?" reflects a journey to rediscover and live in truth to restore our humanity and heal our world.
Purchase and share this collection to help make our world more loving, healthier, to help us prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities and to invite positive karma into your life. When you share healing ☥ positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
The “Somatic Strategies For Workplace Wellness” Collection offers transformational leadership skills, self-care tips and therapeutic movement exercises to improve body mechanics and wellness habits for workplace wellness. These products can be used for icebreaker and small group activities during meetings and conference events. Most of the images in this collection were created to help you practice focusing your attention. Practice switching focus between the foreground and background images. What additional meanings are you able to discern that can assist you in your leadership journey and in actively engaging in your own self-care? If you find meditation challenging, practice often to help you hone your skills.
Purchase and share these strategies with your colleagues, with remote workers to promote workplace wellness and to help us prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. When you share healing ☥ positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
The “Leadership ☥ A Transformative Journey” Collection stimulates contemplative thought and evolves as your leadership qualities mature. This collection offers culturally competent strategies for increasing productivity, efficiency and problem solving skills. Most of the images in this collection were created to help you practice focusing your attention. Read the leadership strategy then practice switching focus between the foreground and background images. What additional meanings are you able to discern that can assist you in your leadership journey and in actively engaging in your own self-care? If you find meditation challenging, practice often to help you hone your skills.
Purchase and share this collection to help us prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. When you share healing ☥ positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Purchase the full collection for friends, family, colleagues and associates to promote mental wellness, share healing strategies and invite positive karma into your life because when you share positivity, it comes back to and flows through you. Check out our Smart Art video to learn more. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Purchase the full “Mental Massage” Collection for friends, family, students, teachers, colleagues, community members and associates to share the healing strategies and invite positive karma into your life because when you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Check out our “Journey To Radiance: A Community-Based Ecosystems Approach To Promoting The Health, Well-Being And Healing Of Boys And Young Men Of Color" report to learn more strategies for empowering our youth. The strategies in the report are universal, appropriate for all cultures and not gender specific. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
The “Healing Feelings” Collection offers culturally competent self-care tools to help you understand and balance your emotions. It features Kamit☥ology's signature Sacred Geometry, visual healing art that improves mental acuity ☥ dexterity, problem solving skills, calms the mind and heals the heart.
Purchase the full “Healing Feelings” Collection for friends, family, students, teachers, colleagues, community members and associates to share the healing strategies and invite positive karma into your life because when you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Purchase the full “Celebrating Mother Africa” Collection for friends, family, students, teachers, colleagues, community members and associates to share the healing strategies and invite positive karma into your life because when you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.