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Own The Journey To Radiance

African Proverb: "Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."

This page is dedicated to curating ☥ converting health and healing content from community collaborations into open source wellness resources for Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities to use ☥ share. It is important that we share what we know as much as we can to prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities.

Please do not keep to yourself. We will not co-create a better world until we heal our current, past/childhood traumas. We will not love others until we learn to love ourselves.

African Proverb: "Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
The Journey Page Menu
Journey To Radiance ☥ Inception

Journey To Radiance ☥ Inception

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Journey To Self-Care
For Evolved Leaders

Cheo Tyehimba Taylor ☥ Game Changers Films
Dwight Taylor ☥ Student Success
Pastor Mike McBride ☥ LIVE FREE Campaign ☥ The Way Christian Center
Marcus Strother ☥ MENTOR California
Adimu Madyun ☥ 393Films
Lucia Mattox ☥ Center for Responsible Lending
Cephus Johnson (Uncle of Oscar Grant) ☥ Activist ☥ Community Leader
Keith Herron ☥ Caltrans
Josh Egel ☥ Josh Egel Photography
Dr. Macheo Payne ☥ Community & Youth Outreach
Chris Chatmon ☥ Kingmakers of Oakland
Brit Irby ☥ Innovation Bridge
Aliya Holmes ☥ Sacramento City Unified School District
Berry Accius ☥ 1 Voice of the Youth
Jerome Gourdine ☥ Oakland Unified School District
Brandon Nicholson ☥ Hidden Genius Project
Baba Greg Hodge ☥ Brotherhood of Elders
Dr. Shawn Ginwright ☥ Flourish Agenda
Beatrice Johnson (Aunt of Oscar Grant) ☥ Activist ☥ Community Leader
Mark Carnero ☥ Sacramento City Unified School District
A Self-Care Journey For Evolved Leaders

A Self-Care Journey For Evolved Leaders

Journey To Radiance As A Global Healing Endeavor

"Journey To Radiance: A Community-Based Ecosystems Approach For Promoting The Health, Well-Being And Healing Of Boys And Young Men Of Color" is an impact report that presents the findings of a three-year study, which is focused on the well-being of Boys and Young Men of Color (BYMOC). The study analyzes the effects of a community-based ecosystems approach. This report has been published in two academic textbooks: Health Promotion with Adolescent Boys and Young Men of Colour: Global Strategies for Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Context and Handbook of Concepts in Health, Health Behavior and Environmental Health. A community-based ecosystem is the social environment of a group of people that accurately represents their culture and includes parents/guardians, siblings and other family members, neighbors, school personnel, policy makers, and other people who make up the group’s "community." A community-based ecosystems approach is an interconnected process of acknowledging and addressing the need for stress management, wellness, self-empowerment and healing strategies of the Boys and Young Men of Color’s (BYMOC’s) social environment. Download the report for free by clicking on the images below, study its accompanying blog at: and please share both with your community, colleagues and global constituents. Please help us to spread this information by sharing the report, visiting our Ujamaa page to support and sustain our dissemination efforts and ordering the book to support the universities.

Click the book cover to download this report for free and share with your community.

Great news! You can now download a printable version of the report by simply clicking on the black and white book cover. Share it with your community and spread the word!

Health Promotion with Adolescent Boys and Young Men of Colour

Click the book cover to access the abstract, table of contents and notes for free and/or to purchase the text to support the universities.

Springer_Concepts in Health book cover_978-981-97-0821-5.webp
Journey To Radiance: A Community-Based Ecosystems Approach For Promoting The Health, Well-Being And Healing Of Boys And Young Men Of Color
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Journey  Radiance:     Podcasts And Webisode

Dr. Hubbard was the Executive Producer of the Journey To Radiance Podcast series. WolfHawkJaguar and Dr. Hubbard served as co-hosts and producers of the podcasts, which aimed to promote healthy lifestyles and shift the narrative around Black men and boys, specifically as it relates to health, cultural identity and healing.


The overarching goal for this collaboration was to elevate empowering healing strategies and provide accurate, positive and healthy depictions of Black men and boys. We invite you to actively engage in your own self-care by watching the webisode and listening to the theme song  podcasts below which are rich in content, healing demonstrations and tangible strategies that you can use right now to begin or level up the movement on your Journey to Radiance. Please share the theme song ☥ webisode ☥ podcasts with your family, friends and communities. 

Journey To Radiance Podcast Series  image with Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard and WolfHawkJaguar
Journey To Radiance Theme Song ☥ Webisode

Journey To Radiance Theme Song ☥ Webisode

Journey  Radiance     Podcasts

☥ Anpu ☥ Servant To Lost Souls
And The Disenfranchised

☥ Anpu ☥ Servant To Lost Souls ☥ The Disenfranchised
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Journey Radiance
Community Wellness Tools

These tools were created for the community. Please feel free to download, use and share to educate your community about self-care (the "So Beautiful film ☥ videos are sharable but not downloadable). 

Healing Steps On The Journey To Radiance
Healing The Pan African Diaspora

Healing The Pan African Diaspora

Watch Now

Healing Strategies For
Grief ☥ Transition

Healing Flyers  

Please download ☥ share with your community.

Ujamaa ☥ Supporting Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant Communities
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Ujamaa Cooperative Giving Flyer







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☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." ☥ African Proverb ☥

☥ Disclaimer 

Radiant Health Strategies and advises that in the case of ill health, pregnancy, and other serious health conditions, a licensed medical practitioner must always be consulted prior to using any product or service sold by Our product information, education, evaluation, counseling and descriptions of alternative and holistic medicine are in no way intended as an allopathic medical claim to “prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure” any situation.

You can help fulfill its mission of producing mental wellness, leadership and healing content (uninfluenced by sponsors' agendas) and making it available for free ☥ open access to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant Communities.

Support and sustain our work through sponsorships, grants or donations:


PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM is a healing space for everyone that centers Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People - a GPS system for wellness that guides you on your path to radiant health through pictures, storytelling and video. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM creates healing art including customized wellness graphicsvideos that help people to transcend social programming in order to connect with, listen to and take actions based on their innate wisdom, promotes mental wellness and empowers us to actively engage in self-care. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM produces interactive video courses and digital workbooks for transformational leadership, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness and features Kamit☥ology, an online store that celebrates culture and affirms self-care. 


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Fall Back Into Self-Care. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>


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