☥ You have the choice ☥ the power to change your life ☥
☥ You have the wisdom ☥ ability to achieve ☥ maintain Radiant Health ☥
☥ There is no "bad" part of you; only parts of you yearning for love ☥ acceptance ☥ transmutation ☥
I have wrestled with how to connect with all that is US in an authentic and meaningful way that does not offend anyone. When faced with such challenges, I allow SPIRIT ☥ TRUTH (what we consider to be God ☥ our higher power) to make the final decision.
It is uncomfortable to say out loud that colonizers could not destroy Indigenous People, so they hid them inside this term that we call “Brown.” Using the term “Brown” renders Indigenous People invisible. Invisibility is what this website endeavors to reverse. It is not my place to label anyone - in fact my life’s work encourages us to drop these titles over time. However, I feel compelled by SPIRIT to specifically name and honor Indigenous People so that we can Heal ☥ Nourish ☥ Rise ☥ Master ☥ Our ☥ Lives. For many reasons, I have decided to officially drop the term “Brown” and will now refer to US as Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People (BIIP).
☥ Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard ☯
Dr. Hubbard's Three Truisms

What Is Smart Art?
Smart Art
Intelligent Visual Healing Art ☥ Sacred Geometry ☥ Emotional ☥ Mental Balance
Smart Art is intelligent visual healing art that evolves with you and helps you to tap into your innate wisdom. The Sacred Geometry ☥ color therapy improves mental acuity ☥ concentration and balances the body ☥ mind ☥ emotions. Studying art that affirms identity ☥ culture empowers you to discover ☥ develop hidden talents. The digital format allows you to use Smart Art as a screensaver, wallpaper and to cultivate cultural competency. Each file is available immediately (without watermark identifiers). PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM creates healing art that teaches, heals and empowers us to actively engage in self-care. Every purchase helps us to prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities.
Tools For Personal ☥ Professional Growth
Preserve your health while you earn your wealth with interactive workbooks, journals and Quick Start Guides that evolves with you.

Tools For Personal ☥ Professional Growth

What Is Kamit☥ology?
Kamit☥ology is our online store on Zazzle that affirms self-care and offers ancestral wisdom for today's world. Kamit☥ology is a celebration of identity ☥ ancestry ☥ culture and the study of you. Each collection features Kamit☥ology's signature Sacred Geometry, visual healing art that improves mental acuity ☥ dexterity, problem solving skills, calms the mind and heals the heart. Scroll down to check out a glimpse of our current collections. New collections are currently under development and are continually updated. Be sure to visit https://bit.ly/ShopKamitology often to purchase the latest offerings. Contact us on the Consultancy page to request customized items.
Check Out Our Latest Collections:
The “Journey To Radiance” Collection - https://bit.ly/Journey2Kamitology
The “Sexual Alchemy” Collection - https://bit.ly/4SexualAlchemy
The “Can We Talk About Love?” Collection - https://bit.ly/Talk4Love
The “Somatic Strategies For Workplace Wellness” Collection - https://bit.ly/Move2BWell
The “Leadership ☥ A Transformative Journey” Collection - https://bit.ly/Transform4Journey
The “Smart Art” Collection - https://bit.ly/SmartArt4Wellness
The “Mental Massage” Collection - https://bit.ly/MassageMyMind
The “Youth Central” Collection - https://bit.ly/4YouthCentral
The “Healing Feelings” Collection - https://bit.ly/4HealingFeelings
The “Celebrating Mother Africa” Collection - https://bit.ly/Love4Africa