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Promoting A Healthy Microbiome With Kamitic Kultured Kraut

Writer's picture: ©Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard©Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

You may not know it, but you have an army of microbes living inside of you that are essential for fighting off threats, including the virus that causes COVID-19. ☥ Ana Maldonado-Contreras ☥ Microbiologist

Apple cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

We cannot continue to do as we have been doing or the next generation will fall. All of our responses, from our minds to our bones to our digestive systems will become weaker, unless we change our ways. Health of body and mind and spirit derives from proper food, correct living and high thoughts, which is a very simple concept but one frequently overlooked. Dr. Bernard Jensen

Apple cider vinegar was used in Kamit (Ancient Egypt) for a wide array of ailments such as digestive and skin issues and to promote health by increasing immunity, internal strength, virility and much more. Internist Dr. Simon Yu recounted a decades long experiment that speaks to the regenerative power of apple cider vinegar:

Dr. Alexis Carrel, Nobel Laureate in medicine in 1912 from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York, kept the cells of a chicken heart alive and healthy for over 35 years by daily monitoring their nutrition, cleansing and elimination. A chicken’s full life span is about seven years. Apple cider vinegar was one of the nutrients given to the chicken heart cells daily for its full quota of potassium. He stopped the experiment after 35 years ... and stated, ‘The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition and, as far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever.’

Holistic healing cabinet

This quote stood out to me, not because of the possibility of immortality, but because of two important concepts that are reinforced throughout the holistic healing modalities that I study and a mantra:

☥ Nourishing and cleansing the body

☥ Cleansing/healing the environment of the cell (Lipton, The Wisdom Of Your Cells)

☥ mantra: “If you give your body what it needs, the body heals itself.”

One of my dearest friends came to visit me when I lived in New Mexico. She was amazed to find the oddest combination of items in my medicine cabinets. In the bathroom, I had essential oils, an array of sea/Epsom salts, clays and a bottle of organic, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother. She insisted on seeing my personal medicine cabinet because she knew that I must have had at least one aspirin somewhere. I laughed, told her that most of my medicine is in my pantry and asked her if anyone could stay sick around me. Then we both laughed.

The most simple and effective way of taking care of our health is via the kitchen. We can still return to nature and by way of solarized and potentized juices, tonics, soups and broths, we can get concentrated elements that rebuild the body and eliminate the symptoms usually treated by pills, potions, etc. Dr. Bernard Jensen

Bentonite clay + apple cider vinegar foot detox
A bentonite clay foot detox ☥ Mix bentonite clay with apple cider vinegar to a paste and apply to feet. Find a comfortable spot where you can keep your feet in the clay for at least two hours. More time is better.

One of my favorite ways to use apple cider vinegar is to mix it with bentonite clay and use it externally as a face or foot mask. However, in this blog, I’d like to share with you a way to make your own raw kraut at home. This recipe is based on ancient remedies used in Kamit. Because raw kraut is rich in nutrients and helps to maintain a healthy microbiome, I’m hoping you will consider adding it to your nutritional regimen, including quarterly cleansing routines for the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Kamitic Kultured Kraut tastes great in salads or over stir-fries, kichadi, etc.

Fresh raw Kamitic Kultured Kraut

Ingredients (all ingredients listed below are organic)

☥ 1 head of Napa cabbage (can use any variation of cabbage)


☥ 1lb of asparagus tips (1 bunch, chopped). Experiment with other veggies such as

collards, radishes, squash (any variety), etc,


☥ 1 bunch of cilantro, chopped. Experiment with other healing herbs such as parsley, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, etc. You can also use dried herbs (~1 Tablespoon).


☥ ¾ cup of ginger (about 6, 2 inch pieces, minced). If ginger is too hot for you try dill weed, fennel, etc.

Celtic Salt

☥ 1 tsp Celtic Salt (can use any sea salt).

Apple cider vinegar

☥ 1 cup raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother.

Day one of Kamitic Kultured Kraut
Day 1: Kamitic Kultured Kraut


☥ Add the Celtic Salt to the apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly

☥ Shred the cabbage and place in a large glass mixing bowl

☥ Add the asparagus tips, cilantro and minced ginger

☥ Pour the apple cider vinegar mixture over the veggies and mix thoroughly

Place in a large glass container and refrigerate. To evenly distribute the apple cider vinegar, stir or shake three times per day for nine days. After nine days, your Kamitic Kultured Kraut is ready. Inexpensive veggies such as cabbage, carrots, corn and turnips make great tasting Kamitic Kultured Kraut on a budget and yield strong healing benefits. Have fun experimenting and creating your own recipes. Take a slow deep breath in and out, ask your body what it wants and you may be surprised by what you hear. Your body knows what you need, so begin by checking in with the truest part of yourself.

The kraut will last in the refrigerator for three weeks, but you’ll eat it long before then. Check out my blogs/videos to learn more about specific herbs that help the body to heal particular dis-eases such as:

Making Kamitic Kultured Kraut with children is a great way to teach the value of waiting and to practice resisting the temptation of succumbing to the impulse of instant gratification. Children who learn how to wait are more likely to create and sustain successful businesses in the future.

Day nine of Kamitic Kultured Kraut
Day 9: Kamitic Kultured Kraut

Serve Kamitic Kultured Kraut With Shu’s Seed Blend

Black sesame seeds

Ingredients (all ingredients listed below are organic)

☥ 1 cup of black sesame seeds.

white sesame seeds

☥ 1 cup of white sesame seeds.

Hemp seeds

1 cup of hemp seeds.

Black sesame oil

3 TSP black sesame oil.

Celtic Salt

½ tsp Celtic Salt.

Add the Celtic Salt to the black sesame oil and stir thoroughly. Place the sesame and hemp seeds into a large glass mixing bowl. Pour salted oil mixture over sesame seeds and mix evenly. Refrigerate. Shu's Seed Blend also tastes great by itself or over stir-fried veggies.

Curried Variations

Kamitic Kultured Kraut with okra, carrots, rutabaga turnips, red bell peppers, green onions and seasoned with turmeric, sea salt, curry powder and apple cider vinegar.
Kamitic Kultured Kraut with okra, carrots, rutabaga turnips, red bell peppers, green onions and seasoned with turmeric, sea salt, curry powder and apple cider vinegar. If ever the vinegar gets to be too much (burns your tongue), add about four tablespoons of coconut sugar (or cane sugar) to help neutralize some of the acid. In this batch, I doubled the amount of apple cider vinegar and added equal portions of turmeric and curry powder (curry powder contains turmeric, so I wanted to make turmeric the primary spice in this dish). The bubbles that you see are caused by the mucilage in the okra (what most people call “slime”). The mucilage (which is rich in nutrients) will still be present, but the okra will be nice and crunchy.

Kamitic Kultured Kraut with green beans, carrots, rutabaga turnips, orange and yellow bell peppers, turmeric, onion powder and curry powder
Kamitic Kultured Kraut with green beans, carrots, rutabaga turnips, orange and yellow bell peppers, turmeric, onion powder, curry powder, sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Once you begin experimenting, your innate intelligence will guide you to the best combinations for what your body needs at a particular time. Trust the innate wisdom of your body.

Other Variations

Kamitic Kultured Kraut with green beans, carrots, green onions, orange bell pepper and seasoned with thyme, sea salt and apple cider vinegar.
Kamitic Kultured Kraut with green beans, carrots, green onions, orange bell pepper and seasoned with thyme, sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Keep experimenting and enjoy in radiant health.

Kamitic Kulture Kraut with celery, carrots, rutabaga turnips, yellow and orange bell peppers, parsley, paprika and onion powder
Kamitic Kultured Kraut with celery, carrots, rutabaga turnips, yellow and orange bell peppers, parsley, paprika, onion powder, sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Celery is high in electrolytes and naturally salty, so you may want to use less sea salt.

I also made Kamitic Kultured Kraut with minced carrots, turnips, onions, rosemary and bell peppers that was spectacular. Keep listening to the innate wisdom of your body. It will lead you to delicious combinations that are perfect for you. Enjoy!

Nourish Your Body ☥ Be Well And Radiant

Epilogue ☥ Your Treasure Map For Self-Care

Mother and daughter with map

The content within this blog explores the following questions
Click on this image to magnify ☥ guide your process.

Thank you for taking the time to actively engage in your own self-care. If you have ever spent time at a hammam ☥ steam room ☥ sauna, you will notice that it is a comfortable space because you are wearing minimal or no clothing and you can just be yourself. However, after a short time, it starts to get hot, and you begin to sweat.

This is a good thing because you are helping your body to eliminate toxins. If you want to detoxify your body correctly you will:

☥ Breathe slowly and deeply to help your body adjust to the intensity of the heat.

☥ Sip water every 15 minutes to stay hydrated.

☥ Have a piece of fruit ☥ pumpkin seeds ☥ favorite healthy snack available.

☥ Take a shower after excessive sweating.

☥ Go into a cold room/take a cold plunge/cold water rinse off to cool down before doing

another sweat and to stimulate your lymphatic system.

☥ Go for a walk in nature, spend time in meditation ☥ contemplation, have a healthy meal

and give your body some time to complete the healing process (which could include

sending you messages through your intuition about your next steps).

As you journey through ☥ interact with the blogs ☥ other content on, you might have an insight that causes you to suddenly feel mentally ☥ emotionallyhot” -- which could show up as:

☥ “Ah-ha” moments

☥ A hop-in-the-bed-and-cry-yourself-to-sleep or fetal position crying time of intensive


☥ Intense feelings of anger/regret about something in your past

☥ Disorientation caused by the realization of truth

Strong reactions such as heightened senses, vomiting; an urge to release emotions

such as yelling/screaming, going outside for fresh air/to take a walk, punching a

boxing bag/pillow; a feeling of tightness in the chest, etc.

Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

If you find yourself having a strong reaction, I encourage you to flow with it while helping your body to release mental ☥ emotional toxins by using the same five self-care strategies listed above for releasing physical toxins. Your body talks to you all the time, but unconscious adherence to social conditioning can mute its messages.

Strong reactions are your body’s way of letting you know that there is a deeper issue requiring your attention.

Keep revisiting the content ☥ utilizing the five self-care strategies until you no longer experience the strong reaction, release fears and have identified ☥ transformed ☥ removed the root cause of the issue. You will find additional strategies throughout this website that you can add to your mental health self-care toolkit.

Self-Care Sustainability Suggestions

A Cross-Cultural Healing Haven – read this blog to understand the purpose of and the meaning behind its organization ☥ symbols.

☥ Revisit the content periodically and make a note of if/how your perceptions have


☥ Check out the other pages on

Home - watch the videos. Click on the images in the Spiritual Guidance

section. Each image has a story that might assist your self-care journey. Learn

about other spiritual practices.

About - Learn about my background ☥ reasons for co-creating

with Spirit. Explore healing through the image carousel and videos.

Shop Kamitology - Purchase and download vital tools for your personal growth

☥ development.

Reclaiming Our Humanity - Help us develop and disseminate video courses.

Rise TV - Practice breathing and movement exercises and deepen your

understanding of healing through the experiences of community members.

Check back periodically to discover new/re-experience the content.

Journey - This is your invitation to own the journey to radiance. Experience the

journey and download healing resources to share with your friends, family and


When you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you.

About Sharing ...

During my first presentation to an all-Black audience, I introduced 20-year-old research on the hazards of sitting. I presented the research because I noticed that people sat for way too long at convenings and realized that the information was not disseminated to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. I was determined to intentionally include this research, often surprising participants by getting people up to stretch. After more than 13 years of intentional work, Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People are just barely beginning to normalize conscious movement. We still have a long way to go, and it is important that we share what we know as much as we can to prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities.


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Promoting A Healthy Microbiome With Kamitic Kultured Kraut. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>

Please do not keep to yourself. We will not co-create a better world until we heal our current, past/childhood traumas. We will not love others until we learn to love ourselves.



Mother and daughter making Kamitic Kultured Kraut



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Help us develop + disseminate mental wellness, leadership and healing content to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant Communities. When you give to heal, healing comes back to you. Donate at:


About Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard's work as a Health Warrior







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☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." ☥ African Proverb ☥

☥ Disclaimer 

Radiant Health Strategies and advises that in the case of ill health, pregnancy, and other serious health conditions, a licensed medical practitioner must always be consulted prior to using any product or service sold by Our product information, education, evaluation, counseling and descriptions of alternative and holistic medicine are in no way intended as an allopathic medical claim to “prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure” any situation.

You can help fulfill its mission of producing mental wellness, leadership and healing content (uninfluenced by sponsors' agendas) and making it available for free ☥ open access to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant Communities.

Support and sustain our work through sponsorships, grants or donations:


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Fall Back Into Self-Care. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>


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