The nature of a panther is that [they] never attack. But if anyone attacks or backs [it] into a corner, the panther comes up to wipe that aggressor or that attacker out. ☥ ☥ Huey Newton ☥
I'm tired of bein' poor and, even worse, I'm black, My stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch ... ☥ ☥ Tupac Shakur ☥ From The Song 'Changes'
I understood Stanley Nelson Jr. to say that he created The Black Panthers: Vanguard Of The Revolution as a "cautionary tale." His words resurface within me constantly as I investigate what part I can play in our healing and in the restoration of our humanity. Whether we are idle, active, ignorant or enlightened, we all play a part, and it is up to us to continually check in with the truest parts of ourselves to ensure that the part we play moves us closer to love. I am thoroughly fed up with the portrayal of the Black Panther Party For Self-Defense as a terrorist group. However, as SPIRIT leads me through a deeper overstanding of social programing, I have come to realize that so many of our perceptions about the world are either wrong, misinterpreted or at the very least needs to be re-examined. I've been in the process of questioning what I believe to be true and during this process, I've discovered what I can only describe with words as a stickiness attached to my perceptions. It made me think of a spider web because an idea may be invisibly linked or stuck to a perception that I hadn't recognized before. As I meditated on it further, the term webs of deception surfaced, and I took it to mean that which entangles us yet, at the same time, prevents us from seeing how intricately we are connected to each other.
Let's allow nature to teach us more about these webs of deception by studying spiders. Our exposition into webs of deception may feel like the wonder of an intricately woven spider web, so please get comfortable and grab your healthy snacks because there will be digressions. Spider webs are sticky because they are intended to capture prey and keep it immobilized until it can be fed upon. Colonization functions like a spider web that traps us:
☥ We are stung and dragged into the web.
☥ We are lured into a place or because we are not paying attention, we walk right into the
web, and it sticks to us, both distracting us from what we were doing and trapping us.
☥ We neglect an area of our lives, and the spider enters and starts spinning its web,
quietly gathering supplies and setting traps. Even if we see the web in a corner of our
home, we may delay in getting rid of it, giving the spider time to multiply in hidden
areas that are out of our immediate sight/reach.
Colonizers function like spiders that hunt via land, air and sea and employ a number of devices to deliver and sustain an array of traps:
☥ The Trapdoor spiders use plant materials and soil to build the illusion of substances
that occur in nature. The "trap door" has a sticky web on one side, that prey cannot
see, and it also has a trip wire made of invisible silk to alert the spider upon capture.
☥ The Portia (jumping) spiders use deception by pretending to be injured/trapped within
a spider web and then attacking the unsuspecting spider through the element of
surprise. It is important for us to overstand the colonizers' willingness to cannibalize
itself to win at any cost.
☥ The Bolas spiders capture male moths by releasing sex pheromones that resemble the
female moth. Having baited the moths with the pheromones, they swing a sticky
mass of silk to trap the moths.
As I was preparing for bed, I felt something by my ear. I screamed, jumped and saw a spider run across the bed. I had never seen a spider in the bed before, and I was highly agitated, but I couldn't default to my social programing (by quickly jumping out of bed and running) because I was recovering from a broken bone injury and on crutches. Instead, I had to calm down and deal with the issue. I slowly got up, went to the bathroom, turned on the bright light by the vanity, sat down and inspected my body. Two little spider legs had fallen down inside my bra, which would have normally resulted in more jumping, running and screaming. However, given my situation, I once again was stuck with calming down, grabbing the witch hazel and removing the spider legs from my boobs. I began to realize that SPIRIT had decided to use this experience as an opportunity to teach me a lesson, and I was not pleased at all. I got back into bed and reached for my pillow only to find that the spider was still there, quietly waiting to make a hasty escape. I entered into the zone, moving at warp speed, as I calmly captured the spider in a scarf that was on the bed and carefully carried it to the washing machine, which I filled with the rest of the clothes I was wearing. As I came to bed for the third time, I went off on SPIRIT.
Was all that really necessary!!! Am I not doing good healing work? Why am I being punished?! You know how much I don't like spiders anywhere near me. Really! What was that all about?!?!!!!!
I was truly incensed. I felt punished for absolutely no reason whatsoever. After my rant, it got really quiet, and I heard SPIRIT respond, "Why are you having such a strong reaction? Is there some hidden trauma that needs to be healed?" Damn. That one totally snuck up on me and was attached to learned fears/responses that I picked up in early childhood. The time I spent in Costa Rica with the super-sized bugs in the rainforest had already cured my issues with insects, so why was I tempted to run, jump and scream? This was a sticky lesson for me because as I journeyed beneath the surface of the issue, I discovered that it was actually connected to an unresolved trauma based on a story that I made up in my child mind about God punishing me for no reason. I had forgotten how angry I was at God for abandoning me. It was the only way my child brain knew how to process the trauma of being left alone so much as a child. We must revisit the stories that we told ourselves in early childhood, because they are often riddled with misinterpretations of reality. During my mental health studies, I came across an interesting case of a young boy who was mentally tortured by dreams and feelings of bugs crawling all over him. He was taken to many different specialists, and then it was finally discovered that the root cause of his issue was actually one sentence that he misinterpreted. He had a cold and his uncle happened to be visiting. His uncle said to him, “Oh, looks like you’ve got a bug.” I’m bringing up this example because it is so important for everyone to overstand the fact that we must explicitly check children’s understanding of what we say. That one sentence caused the boy to believe that he literally had bugs inside him and set off what became a series of psychotic episodes. Though this example may seem extreme, I’ve had clients who have:
It is vitally important that we periodically check in with children to have them reflect their understanding of concepts back to us. A fun way of accomplishing this goal, especially when we've used cultural idioms, would be to say something like, “Remember when I said not to cry over spilled milk? Draw me a picture that shows me what you think I meant.” When a child asks us “Why?” instead of answering the question, we can show them the answer and then ask them to explain it to us. In this way, we are constantly empowering them while checking their comprehension. We use cultural and other idioms all the time, and children don’t understand them. They don’t speak up about it, because they are embarrassed or don’t want to feel stupid. Instead, they respond by "pretending" that they know what we're talking about which begins a lifelong practice of "faking it" that I end up having to investigate and help them self-correct when they come to me for help. I’m amazed at how many times I've identified twisted ideas from childhood, within myself and my clients, that are entangled with other ideas. These ideological and emotionally ignorant constructs have repeatedly shown up in my research as trauma stemming from not knowing how to heal, disconnection from/disgust with one's physical body and sexual ignorance, debility, perversion and abuse. For these and many other reasons, it is equally important for us to take the time to question our perceptions and monitor ☥ investigate our strong reactions. Often times, just shining the light of awareness is all that we need to set ourselves free.
Once I took the time to investigate my strong reaction, I realized that all of the emotion I expended (my early childhood reaction) zapped my energy while doing absolutely nothing to change the fact that I still had to locate the spider and clean up while taking my time and being careful on crutches (my adult response). Being bedridden forced me to see that there was a totally different response to the event that was slow, methodical and more effective, yet enabled me to move fast enough to capture a running spider.
Nature is not only a powerful healer, but a formidable teacher. I believe SPIRIT also used the spider incident to help me overstand how to find ☥ cleanse the root causes of colonization for the benefit of everyone, including colonizers. Spiders are predators who feed on insects, but they also feed on other spiders. In other words, colonizers will feed on themselves if they deem it is necessary, or to achieve a conquest goal. These are some of the behaviors/tendencies that Indigenous People were explaining to me when they were breaking down the psychosis embedded within the strategy of colonization. The fear that white people have of Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People (that we want to do to them what they/their ancestors have done to us) is so far-fetched that it is almost incredulous to believe. However, I feel the need to break it down so that we can hopefully crush this fear forever, because it keeps colonizers psychologically trapped in a web of deception that causes them to continue inflicting trauma to protect themselves from retaliation.
I'll use myself as an example. If you've read any of my other blogs, you've come to realize that, like many of us, I have experienced a tremendous amount of trauma from white people - not just the inherited trauma from white people of/before 1492, 1592, 1692, 1792, 1892, but the white people of today - of my time. white people have come through my life like bulls in a china shop, often unconcerned about the harm they have caused and behaving like Portias, Trapdoors and Bolas - to the point that it often took me a while to figure out that I had been trapped in their web. It is equally important to assert that I have also experienced trauma from Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People who have been socially programmed with self-hatred (often from birth). This trauma is generational and has caused us to compete with and sabotage each other's efforts in order to survive in a racially oppressed and hostile world. I have written about many of these issues in my How To Outsmart Our Monkey Mind blog, and invite you to read/re-read/study that blog to facilitate the healing process. The blogs ☥ podcasts on this website are not intended to be a one-time intellectual read ☥ listen for any of us, including myself. They are to be experienced over and over again to help us find ☥ put the pieces of ourselves back together so that we can heal past unresolved trauma. The blogs are longer reads because they are intended to facilitate the process of healing. Healing is not a quick fix, sound bite or one-size-fits-all strategy. Healing is a process. The blogs offer many pathways and processes so that no matter what process you choose, you will find your way.
The images are designed to help us learn how to focus our attention and meditate. The video clips, music, movies, research articles, etc. are included to help us lift our consciousness to the level of the solutions to our challenges. The purpose of the storytelling is to guide us past the drama of the story so that we can learn the lessons that the story was intended to bring ☥ recognize that we are not alone in this endeavor. Our unresolved trauma blocks us from 'seeing' that there are many people out there - all over the world and of all nationalities - who have dedicated their lives to helping us heal ☥ setting ourselves free ☥ co-creating an auspicious ☥ new ☥ healthy ☥ empowered ☥ world.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. ☥ ☥ Che Guevara ☥
Understanding the truth and self-correcting with compassion for self ☥ others is an essential first step. I cannot stress enough how deeply this trauma is embedded within our psyche or the importance of healing it in order to restore our humanity. That said, while I will prevent ☥ protect myself from being traumatized by the actions of others,
the reason why I have no desire to retaliate for their past actions is that in order for me to do so, I would have to become like the people who caused harm which perpetuates endless cycles of trauma without solving the problems they've created or healing the harm.
Violence and especially murder has repeatedly been the covert or overt colonizer response to slow down or prevent the progress of Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People. Though their inherited or current guilty conscience convinces them that our progress will result in revenge, their warped perceptions keep them from seeing the truth. Colonization is an idea that lives within the minds of people, but it also lives within established systems and structures that make up the foundation of our society.
Ideas cannot be killed, but they can be identified ☥ healed ☥ transmuted ☥ transformed with love.
If we want to stop the evils of oppression, we have to overstand ☥ remove the root causes of and driving forces that fuel these ideas in the minds of colonizers and embedded within our social programming which affects every aspect of our lives. This is the psychosis that robs us of our humanity, and we cannot solve our challenges by lowering our consciousness to the level of the people who created the problem. If we scan the news reports of mass shootings, rogue police officers who resort to violence instead of honoring their mission to protect and serve, citizens who abuse their spouse/partner/children, business people caught in smuggling/trafficking/other scandals, celebrities indicted for manslaughter, etc., we see how these ideas work through our subconscious minds to influence our behaviors. Yet, our response addresses the end result without removing the root causes of these behaviors, and we wonder why they continue to repeat over and over again. It’s as if we believe that these actions spontaneously sprung up from nowhere.
Every action has a root cause and will continue to repeat until the root cause is removed. For example, if a person is allergic to peanuts, they will focus on not eating peanuts instead of investigating why their immune system is overreacting. It is not normal to be allergic to peanuts, so the allergic reaction is the symptom of a deeper issue that we are ignoring even though we think that we are addressing the problem.
This is one of the most difficult concepts for me to explain to people who are attempting to heal. They fail to understand that focusing solely on the symptoms places a temporary band-aid on the problem, which will eventually lead to other, seemingly unrelated, health issues (i.e. other allergies, internal inflammation, etc., will surface). Our unwillingness to drill down to the root cause forces us into a cyclical pattern of behaviors, like a gerbil on a wheel, that is tantamount to sweeping dirt under a rug. We have to think differently to get off the gerbil’s wheel. Our solutions exist in the realm of the evolved ☥ transformed mind.
That said, how will resorting to revenge solve my problems, when I’m unable to even see a solution in that state of mind? Revenge = succumbing to an emotional addiction to the instant gratification of a distraction that makes me feel better in the moment without actually solving the problem. To make matters worse, how much time and energy would I have wasted on others that I could have invested in myself? At this point in my evolution, though I will study ☥ learn from it, I refuse to allow my mind to be infected by the dark side. No matter how hard colonizers work to force me to live a white-centered life, I'm determined to live a life with SPIRIT ☥ ancestry ☥ culture as my center. However, I will practice self-defense to protect myself from attack by educing my inner Sekhmet, and if guided to do so by SPIRIT, I will offer pathways to healing. Sekhmet is the Goddess of Healing, but she is also a formidable warrior. She is represented with the head of a lioness, illustrating her absolute strength in battle and calm strategic alertness as it is virtually impossible to sneak up on a cat. Sekhmet cannot be easily fooled and fighting her will most certainly end in defeat. I invest my time in Sekhmet training so that I can learn from past trauma, cultivate strength and thwart the negative actions of others in a way that removes the root cause. In addition, I believe that everyone needs to cultivate a personal credo that is co-created with and continually leveled up by SPIRIT. The foundation of my personal credo is oneness ☥ alignment with SPIRIT in my thoughts ☥ actions which includes:
☥ Learning about my history ☥ ancestry ☥ culture
☥ Healing ☥ transforming ☥ transmuting unresolved trauma
☥ Becoming more physically ☥ mentally ☥ emotionally self-aware ☥ astute
☥ Self-care which includes self-defense ☥ self-correction
☥ Living my life rooted ☥ grounded ☥ centered in SPIRIT ☥ taking actions that are solely
driven by inner wisdom

☥ A life-long commitment to the cultivation of cultural competency
☥ Doing my part to offer healing strategies ☥ share the challenges and opportunities of
Black women in fields of study where we have been oppressed such as science ☥ Recognizing that the tragedy and legacy of the social programming of Black ☥
Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People, such as Phillis Wheatley, still exists, has transformed
into an emulation of colonizer behavior and has been expanded to specifically
target African ☥ Immigrant scholars (who are unaware of US history) which
complicates our collective healing process and requires increased self-awareness in
the form of:
☥ An equal balance of compassion ☥ understanding for those of us whose actions are
driven by unresolved trauma
☥ An unwillingness to permit substandard behavior by offering specific feedback ☥
enforcing strong healthy boundaries
☥ Releasing judgment of self ☥ others as I evolve and heal
☥ A commitment to restorative practices as a first response to conflict
As I heal, I've learned how to spot the webs of deception that I couldn't see in earlier years and that placed white people at the center of my attention (the root cause of my unresolved trauma). I've also learned how to strengthen areas that I didn't realize were vulnerable to attack and convert trauma into the wisdom needed to guide my thoughts ☥ actions. Most importantly, I learned that the anger I felt was useless to me unless I could convert it to what Bruce Lee called "emotional content." This is the wisdom that Bat ☥ Celestial Goddess Of Interdependent Opposites teaches us so that we can learn how to be ultra calm ☥ focused in the midst of any situation and make the decisions that serve our highest good, even if required to do so at warp speed. This type of focus allows us to see ☥ feel invisible webs of deception before they can trap us. If the spider can no longer capture us, it will be forced to adapt which opens the pathway for its healing ☥ transformation. Because the prey has evolved to protect itself from impending and invisible danger, it has transformed into a healer ☥ protector of itself and potentially of those who intended to cause harm.
As a result of this transformation, our healing places us at a level of consciousness that is above revenge, but the laws of karma and justice will still prevail through the actions of SPIRIT.
If the spider rejects the pathway for healing and continues to weave webs of deception, it will destroy itself in the process. At its new elevated state of consciousness, the evolved prey can now spot webs of deception as they are being spun by the spider which prevents and protects it from being trapped.
Women ☥ the feminine energy are an integral part of the Black Panther Party For Self Defense. While the women ran the free breakfast programs, it would not be uncommon for the women to arm themselves and stand guard while the men cooked breakfast for children of the community. Because gender roles would only split the power of the party, racism opened the door for gender equality among the Panthers. As women stood in and demonstrated their power, they were seen as great assets to the movement. After the dismantling of the Panthers, we witnessed hidden webs of deception in the form of a new dynamic of intimidation of the strength of women, which coincided with the rise of corporate hip hop music that denigrates women. These dynamics need to be examined and healed. This examination must also include hip hop artists who evolved creatively but were murdered before they could share their insights with the world. For example, Changes was recorded in 1992, but wasn’t released until 1998, two years after Tupac Shakur died. We find in this song an exemplification of history repeating itself:
First ship 'em dope and let 'em deal to brothers. Give 'em guns, step back, watch 'em kill each other. It's time to fight back that's what Huey [Newton] said, Two shots in the dark now Huey's dead ... ☥ ☥ Tupac Shakur ☥ From The Song 'Changes'
Imagine how the following two sentences would sound to sentient beings from another, more evolved ☥ peaceful galaxy: The life of Entrepreneur, Rapper and Songwriter Nipsey Hu$$le is of particular interest to study because his unapologetic embodiment of Pan African love (his mother is Black American ☥ his father is from Eritrea) and his commitment to investing in disenfranchised communities made him a target. He was murdered shortly after purchasing a small shopping center in Crenshaw.
Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People who spread love and invest in the evolution of our nation get targeted and killed, but to what end? So colonizers can say “See? I am better than everyone after all!?” How does this make our nation strong? Are we any more evolved than the “third world” countries that we judge? Have we taken a moment to look at ourselves? What are we doing? Again and again, when we trace the origins of the negativity between us, we find colonizers at the root cause. The root causes are often mysterious or elusive to us because they are embedded within many webs of deception, often with Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People who have been psychologically manipulated to do the dirty work on the surface which deflects the attention away from colonizers. The Black Panther Party's demonstration of the empowerment of all people was both admirable and strategic. Though the celebrated strength of Black women seemed to disappear with the systematic dismantling of the Black Panther Party (at least as it appeared to us physically), we witnessed a fresh, new re-emergence of this energy in multimedia with offerings such as:
☥ The Michonne character, a Black woman who establishes herself as a bad-ass katana
warrior and an asset to her community in the midst of an apocalyptic world.
☥ Empowered roles on Star Trek Discovery for the Black female character Owosekun and
the relationship between a Black female starship captain and a Black male captain of a
technologically advanced rogue ship that is based on love, challenging each other to
grow and helping each other to shine (instead of outshining each other). That said, it
is important to note that Star Trek Discovery focused on an empowered Black
woman who was a first officer and took four excruciatingly long seasons to finally
promote her to captain. There was absolutely no reason why the show could not have
launched with her as a full captain. Captain Kirk took all kinds of risks/made rogue
decisions to protect his crew or thwart danger, yet when Michael Burnham made similar
decisions, she was stripped of her rank. Then, the network announced that Star Trek
network to showcase some level of evolution within the industry. Disenfranchisement +
social programming = fewer Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant executive directors, writers
and producers who can create, launch and effectively disseminate multidimensional
stories that truly represent who we are.
☥ Powerful roles for women in the Black Panther movie franchise that showcase
mastery in battle, intellect, political strategy. We must be the authoritative sources of our
history ☥ culture ☥ narratives and continue to provide specific feedback that exposes
These characters celebrate the intelligence ☥ strength of women as a welcomed enhancement to the strength of men, signaling an awareness of ☥ invitation for us to return to our natural way of being with each other and heal our relationships.
Ego games, power struggles and competition are revealed as the saboteurs of our success.
In the spirit of overstanding a concept, we can examine some of the strategic choices made during the age of the pyramids (2700 – 2200 BC) by Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (2532 - 2504 BC) who commissioned the building of the smallest of the Giza Pyramids. His grandfather, Khufu, commissioned the building of the largest pyramid and his father, Khafre, commissioned the building of the second pyramid and the great Sphinx of Giza. The Giza Pyramids are considered to be one of the seven wonders of the natural world. Menkaure was both an engineer and a mathematician, but his ingenuity can be attributed to his ability to be a master synergist of intellect ☥ spirituality. He commissioned several images of himself with Hathor ☥ The Goddess Of Love to his right and Bat ☥ The Goddess Of Interdependent Opposites to his left. Why were these energies so important to him? Our right side is the dwelling place of our masculine energy, and Menkaure strategically places the embodiment of love to balance his masculine energies. Our left side is the dwelling place of our feminine energy, and Menkaure chooses the embodiment of the BALANCE of what we consider to be opposites, which also includes the masculine ☥ feminine energies. What can we learn from these choices? I invite you to sit with these ideas for a while. Take some time to journal thoughts and meditate on how we strengthen ourselves when we tap into our innate wisdom ☥ release the need to suppress the greatness in others. Spiritual evolution happens as realization of truth, either through an instantaneous "ah ha" moment or as an unfoldment of clarity - sort of like a fuzzy picture that slowly comes into focus.

If we analyze the brilliance of Dr. Edwin Nichols' work, we see value systems that reveal where we need to grow ☥ heal (these bullets quote his words and will make more sense if you watch his videos). Dr. Nichols presents what each ethnic group values the most:
☥ europeans groups value acquisition of the object
☥ Afrocentric groups value relationships ☥ equality ☥ respect
☥ Asian groups value cohesiveness of the group
☥ Indigenous groups value oneness (connection) with the Great Spirit
The european groups’ value system makes them the most dangerous and destructive, because it causes them to “objectify” people and drives them to win at all costs to acquire the object. But, because acquisition does not lead to fulfillment, they become trapped in webs of deception and endless cycles of “acquiring” to fill a void that can never be filled through acquisition. Indigenous People are the only group with a value system that has the potential to deliver deep fulfillment as well and the blessings of all of the other value systems. Indigenous People know how to acquire what they need without causing destruction to themselves, other people or the environment. However, there is ample room for growth for Indigenous People because, connection with SPIRIT is not enough. My phone is connected to a power source, but I need to understand the purpose of the phone, how and when to use/charge it. Most importantly, as time progresses, I need to evolve my understanding as well as use of the phone in novel situations. It’s important for us to recognize the need for all ethnic groups to evolve in consciousness because each ethnic group is functioning off of a value system based on antiquated experiences. As we evolve and grow, we need to update our value systems. To not do so, would be like attempting to use a 2023 laptop functioning with a 1956 operating system.
In this way, we can see that all groups are in need of evolution ☥ healing ☥ transformation. What’s missing is alignment with SPIRIT in thoughts ☥ actions which facilitates our growth ☥ evolution, and both prepares us for and protects us from danger.
For example, animals tend to be protected from tsunamis because they follow the natural impulse to move to higher ground months before the tsunami hits. People believe that they can outsmart nature or are so disconnected that they don’t follow their inner guidance.
Stay woke cuz all gold ain’t glistening, Choose your words wisely ‘cause the ALL-KNOWING'S listening … ☥ ☥ Sa Roc ☥
When SPIRIT moves us to act, we may not understand why which may cause us to hesitate or ignore the nudge. I make a habit of cleansing my body ☥ mind each season. Shortly after the winter solstice, I felt a strong nudge from SPIRIT to do a cleanse. It didn’t make sense to do another cleanse so quickly, but the nudge was clear. Even though I disagreed and was annoyed by the nudge, I followed the directive. I ended up creating a special herbal blend that made me sleepy for two days (so my body could focus on strengthening immunity), and “mistakenly” double shipped myself a bunch of supplies. None of it made any sense to me. But then about a month later, I started to hear news reports of a pandemic coming and the next thing I knew, we were in the midst of COVID-19. Not only did I feel great and energetic, I didn’t have fear, because my time in the Ayurvedic clinic eliminated fear as a response to dis-ease. The people who came to our student clinic donated their bodies to us because they had been everywhere else and were out of options. With food, water, nutrition, herbs, therapeutic movement, Ayurvedic healing strategies and as STUDENTS, we healed all of them which filled me with a burning desire to bring this wisdom to the world (and especially to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People who would be overlooked/ignored), even though I knew that I would face ridicule, hostility, rejection, harassment and no options for seed funding to begin a practice (insurance companies won’t pay for my services). Around this time, I came across Huey Newton’s book, Revolutionary Suicide, which put language to what I was going through in my attempts guide people on their journeys to radiant health. I was initially frightened to move forward because of the Holistic Health doctors who have been targeted for speaking the truth about healing, but the love of healing ☥ people had already consumed me. Somehow I knew that SPIRIT was positioning and protecting my steps. The obstacles that I’ve had to face just to get to the point where I could create this website have been enormous. I wouldn’t have made it this far without the guidance of sages from the ancestral realm like Harriet Tubman who push me to keep going and stay connected to SPIRIT. My experiences in the clinic forced me to see the truth with my eyes and feel it with my hands. Regardless of how much resistance I face, no one can take those healing victories from me, and I have worked diligently over the years to collaborate with western medicine to reduce the stigma.
Instead of thinking about facing your problems, think about what your problems are facing. They are facing YOU. They are facing your luminosity … You transform by speaking about health, then speaking to health, then speaking from health. ☥ ☥ Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith ☥
For example, a person who attended one of my workshops approached me while they were in the middle of stage 4 cancer treatment. They were desperate for options. While drugs are out of my scope of practice, I could work with them to keep them alive through the drug treatment with nutrition, movement, meditation and leveling up their daily routines. In this way, their doctor does what they do, and I focus on what happens when they are at home. I was able to help this client keep their hair until the very last round of chemo (which was extremely toxic). But then, their hair grew back and they made it through the treatment with minimal reactions. Most importantly, when it was over, I worked with them for a year to regain strength and get the toxic residue of the drugs out of their body which is an important final step that many people miss. I’ve also worked with people who healed themselves using only holistic health. We can’t heal unless we know what ALL the options are, because there is no such thing as one way to heal. Greed and bullying are the only reasons that I’ve found that can explain why holistic health gets suppressed. Dr. Lesiba Baloyi speaks eloquently about how the western monolithic approach negates the very definition of science.
So, Holistic Health has taught me how to make my body a hostile environment for viruses. Viruses are parasites, but they can’t generate energy or synthesize proteins so they depend on the cells of the host that they infect. They reside within and use mucus to move through our bodies, so the first line of defense is to reduce stress ☥ improve nutrition to energize our immune system while simultaneously reducing/eliminating foods that create excess mucus in the body such as sugar, starches, pastas, breads, meat and dairy. Although viruses tend to be the invader that leads to COPD, my 27-year bout with the disease (which was the impetus for my journey to become a Holistic Health Doctor) was caused by acute trauma which catalyzed an acidic environment and enabled bacteria to thrive. Bacteria are considered to be saprophytes (nature’s scavengers). They need acidic conditions within the body, so the first line of defense is to eat a large percentage of foods that mostly digest alkaline (75% is ideal for most people) and reduce stress to prevent internal inflammation caused by emotional imbalances (i.e., heal unresolved trauma). Viruses and bacteria are all around us all the time. A healthy body is difficult to infect, and when a person is also emotionally balanced, their body becomes a hostile war zone for invaders. All of my clients, who showed up with health issues, thought that their nutritional habits/practices were healthy. Most of them were annoyed with me for insisting on going through my holistic nutrition presentation with them. This taught me that our social programming around the concept of health is filled with fallacies. It became fun for me to wait for that moment in my presentation when the light bulbs would go on in their minds as they realized why they needed this education. It is up to us to become more self-aware and actively engage in self-care to ensure that even the most aggressive of invaders will be defeated if/when they enter our bodies.
When we know what to do, we can focus on taking action instead of being driven/manipulated by fear. If we become more self-aware and take immediate action, we can thwart most threats, regardless of how dangerous they may appear.
Even in extreme cases, our action will ensure that invaders only stay long enough for our immune system to create antibodies that ensure their exodus. However, fear, inaction and emotional eating is like a neon “party over here” sign for invaders. During the time that people were scrambling for supplies, I had more than I needed. When I went to the stores, I somehow would get there just when they were letting people in. Most of the time, what I needed was in stock, and I would find myself at the shortest lines. I never spent more than 45 minutes shopping at even the largest stores.
My connection to SPIRIT was an essential piece of the puzzle, but it was the alignment in thoughts and actions (even when I didn’t agree) that got me through. It’s amazing that I still put up resistance (which speaks to embedded social programming), but every argument that I have with SPIRIT ends with me eventually saying, “Ooooooh, that’s why you wanted me to do/say/write/eat/drink that.” These thoughts and actions might push us past the boundaries of our comfort zone and cause us to behave outside of our “normal” character.
Though it may be lighthearted and fun, the nudge is clear and intellectual. It will not ever be a reckless impulse.
Sekhmet is a great exemplification of this spiritual alignment because she the Goddess Of Healing which encompasses much more than our understanding of a healer. Healers do not tolerate or participate in substandard behaviors. Healers don’t meditate because their life is a meditation. They continually train their body ☥ mind ☥ emotions. This lifestyle enables Sekhmet to step into her full power as a Warrior Goddess who fights for ☥ enforces isonomy and has an exceptional ability to perceive and thwart impending danger. Sekhmet’s demonstration of absolute strength anchored in the heart of a healer forces potential opponents to honor her benchmarks for trust and cultivates relationships based on healing ☥ trust ☥ abundance instead jealousy, competition and scarcity.
Journey To Radiance ☥ Black Panther II ☥ dives deeper into the webs of deception that inspired a couple of college students to form The Black Panther Party For Self Defense as a response to the incessant attacks against Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People, including Gender Non-conforming People.
Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example:
Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Journey To Radiance ☥ Black Panther I ☥. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>