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Writer's picture©Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard

Discernment ☥ Wisdom Of Our Chakras ☥ Part III

Updated: 5 days ago

Anāhata  The Heart Chakra

Anāhata means "unstricken or openness." A good way to think of this definition is to consider how we would live our life if our heart had never been broken, if we have never been betrayed or hurt because of our strong healthy boundaries. It is the fourth chakra and governs our thymus gland, lymph, heart, lungs, cardiovascular system, immunity, blood and the sense of taste and touch. The location of the heart chakra resides in the area of our chest ☥ heart ☥ ribcage. It is the embodiment of the air element and is symbolized by the colors green ☥ pink. It cultivates discernment through our spiritual purpose, esteem, future hopes, empathy, sympathy, self-love, ability to give/receive love, unconditional love and breathing.

When our heart chakra is in balance, we experience love, acceptance, fulfillment

joy and compassion. When out of balance, we may experience heart problems, asthma, allergies, circulatory problems, ulcers, congestive heart failure, laryngitis, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), tight chest or heart murmurs. A blockage of the heart chakra could result in an array of disorders such as the inability to love, being trapped within cycles of abuse, depression, loneliness, hatred, feeling isolated, grief or heaviness. If the heart chakra were a coin, one side would be love and the other side would be compassion. Our heart chakra sits between our three lower and three upper chakras, and most wisdom traditions suggest that we allow our lives to be governed by this chakra.

Black woman with heart chakra mandala in the background

Balancing Strategies For The Heart Chakra

Green ☥ pink are colors that are warm and inviting. We catalyze balanced movement of our heart chakra by:

 Wearing the colors green ☥ pink 

Building a beautiful green ☥ pink altar with green ☥ pink candles ☥ healing gemstones

     such as watermelon tourmaline and jade

Green vegetables are very nourishing and balancing to our heart chakra. Enjoy leafy greens such as kales, collards and chards. Essential oils ☥ herbs that heal the heart chakra include rose, cinnamon, clove, orange, hyssop, marjoram, blood orange, yarrow, neroli and bergamot. Listening to ☥ feeling the rhythm of our heartbeat will bring much needed oxygenated blood to the area. Investigate and emulate specific Gods ☥ Goddesses such as Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥ Hathor ☥ Goddess Of Love ☥ Ọṣun (Goddess Of Fertility, Sexuality, Sensuality, Water {For Cleansing}, Purity)  Xōchiquetzal Goddess Of Love ☥ Beauty ☥ Sexuality  Parvati ॐ Goddess Of Love ॐ Fertility. Mantras that heal and balance our heart chakra include:

☥ Yum

☥ Om Yum Namaha

☥ Om Kakini Namaha

☥ Om Maha

Viśuddha  The Throat Chakra

Viśuddha means "pure." It is the fifth chakra and governs our thyroid, neck, ears, vocal cords, larynx (voice box), mouth, mandible and the sense of sound ☥ taste. The location of the throat chakra resides in the throat region. It is the embodiment of the ether element and is symbolized by the color turquoise blue. It cultivates discernment through clear communication, truth, self-expression, education with words, metabolic rate and understanding the communication between mind ☥ body. If the throat chakra were a coin, one side would be our truth and the other side would be our understanding.

When our throat chakra is in balance, we are excellent listeners. We speak clearly and are connected, honest and trustworthy. When out of balance, we may experience inflammation, ulcers, fevers, baldness, cataracts, painful menstruation, arthritis, skin problems, swollen glands, speech impairment, throat/neck problems or TMD (temporomandibular disorders). A blockage of the throat chakra could result in an array of disorders such as an inability to speak up for ourselves/refusal to speak, frustration, aggression, bitterness or rigidity.

Balancing Strategies For The Throat Chakra

Turquoise blue is the color of clear communication. We catalyze balanced movement of our throat chakra by:

☥ Wearing the color turquoise blue

Building a beautiful turquoise altar with turquoise blue candles ☥ healing gemstones

    such as turquoise and lapis lazuli

Enjoy nourishing and throat chakra balancing foods such as blueberries, plums, apples, figs, purple cabbage and asparagus. Essential oils ☥ herbs that heal the throat chakra include fennel, anise, myrrh, benzoin and sandalwood. Ujjayi breathing exercises brings much needed oxygenated blood to the area. It is also important to truthfully speak our mind, even when we feel uncomfortable or manipulated by peer pressure. Investigate and emulate specific Gods ☥ Goddesses such as Ma’at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥ Obatalá ☥ God Of Purity ☥ Coyolxāuhqui ☥ Leader Of The Centzon Huītznāhua Goddess Of The Moon Rama ॐ God of Truth. Mantras that heal and balance our throat chakra include:

☥ Hum

☥ Om Hum Namaha

☥ Om Shakini Namaha

☥ Om Janaha

Ājñā  The Third Eye Chakra

Ājñā means "unlimited ☥ infinite power." It is the sixth chakra and governs our pituitary gland, eyes, nose, lower part of brain, autonomic nervous system and the sense of sight and smell. The location of the third eye chakra resides in the area between our eyebrows. It is the embodiment of the fire element and is symbolized by the color indigo. It cultivates discernment through our inner light, morality, intellect, intuition, higher consciousness, innate wisdom and psychic (meaning relating to the soul or mind) ability. If our third eye chakra were a coin, one side would be our intuition and the other side would be our wisdom.

When our third eye chakra is in balance, we are able to access deep insights, are highly intuitive, keenly perceptive and focused. When out of balance, we may experience headaches, loss of eyesight, inability to smell, blood diseases, hyper/hypo glandular problems, toxicity in our blood, appendicitis, organ dysfunction, mental disorders or eye/ear/nose ailments. A blockage of the third eye chakra could result in an array of disorders such as feeling foggy, not able to visualize, succumbing to peer pressure, detachment, doubting/not trusting our intuition or not following our path.

Illustrations of mockery of the third eye and cultural appropriation of Black people

Fear is one of the persistent hounds of hell that dog the footsteps of the poor, the dispossessed, the disinherited. There is nothing new or recent about fear—it is doubtless as old as the life of [humans] on the planet. Fears are of many kinds—fear of objects, fear of people, fear of the future, fear of nature, fear of the unknown, fear of old age, fear of disease, and fear of life itself ... It has its roots deep in the heart of the relations between the weak and the strong, between the controllers of environment and those who are controlled by it.                                                                                                                                                                          ☥ Howard Thurman ☥

Why We Fear The Third Eye Chakra

We’ll need another series of digressions to unpack why so many Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People have imbalances in our Third Eye Chakra. First, let’s knock out the religious social programming that has caused us to fear the term “third eye” and has stigmatized/branded/mocked the term. The first time that many of us hear the term “third eye” may be in church. It might be presented to us as satanic (i.e., Satan is controlling our mind, etc.) or attached to people who are flighty, spacey or disconnected. However, there are Biblical passages that speak to the wisdom of the third eye such as Matthew 6:22: The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Black woman receiving acupuncture

The context of this passage is the wisdom of placing value on spiritual universal principles instead of material possessions. Have you ever banged your toe and felt it behind your eye or ear? This happens because we have reflex points all over the body. Modalities such as Acupuncture, Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy are focused on the study of releasing pain in one part of the body, by bringing energy and oxygen to it from another part of the body.

Although vision (understanding) is a vital aspect of Ājñā, the third eye is not a literal eye. We can think of it as the headquarters for insight, vision and energy that is connected to our ability to accept things as they are. What we see (understand) may not be physical.

For example, I was attempting to tutor a young Black male, but I couldn’t get him to show me his math skills because he kept throwing temper tantrums. At first, I was thrown off by his uncharacteristic behavior. But then, I began to see something that he couldn’t express with words. His teachers traumatized him and made him feel as if he was stupid. He didn’t want me to judge him, so his tantrums were an attempt to push me away. Once I was able to see what was happening with my third eye, I was able to shift my approach and create a safe environment for him that was non-judgmental. When I shifted my approach and cultivated a deeper level of trust with him, he relaxed and let me tutor him. He went on to become an “A” student the following year because I found ☥ corrected the root cause of the concepts that confused him and reversed the social programming that attacked his confidence/competence. So, my third eye experience was not the result of some weird or satanic ritual. It was my ability to see beyond what was presented to me in the physical realm.

This is the house of tarzan, the killer of beasts and many Black men.                                                                                                                                                  From the book 'tarzan of the apes' by edgar rice burroughs

How Social Programming Via Multimedia Can Cause Third Eye Chakra Imbalances

☥ european mythology such as the Ancient Greek’s promotion of the Cyclopes (one-

    eyed monsters that are often portrayed as ignorant, uncivilized, slaves and savages)

☥ Book, TV, movies and paraphernalia that promote xenophobia, racism, violence and

    self-hatred such as Tarzan and Jim Crow - Tarzan was heavily promoted globally and

    was directly responsible for psychologically traumatizing Black children - which

    continues to subconsciously permeate our culture and society. Violence was

    unapologetically infused into racist cartoons, postcards of lynched Black People

    hanging from trees, etc. The wisdom of discernment causes us to contemplate the

    sanity of people who entertained themselves by legally purchasing and mailing

    postcards of murdered Black People to each other for over 100 years. We can deduce,

    from the plethora of Blackface pictures that surfaces during my image searches, that

    the psychosis driving these behaviors has not been addressed or healed.

☥ Horror Movies Such As:

    ☥ Day Of The Dead  - evokes feelings of fear, particularly of decomposing bodies and

        skeletons. Skeletons are a primary image in the Indigenous celebration of ancestors

        known as Day Of The Dead. The Chucky movies made a mockery of African Voodoo

        and spirituality.

    ☥ Hellraiser - the pinhead character is bald, but the pins in his head are geometrically

        positioned like African Bantu Knots.

    ☥ Predator - the alien has unmistakable dreadlocks and appears to be mimicked after

        a Kamitian pharaoh. Master Yiser, who lead the trip to Egypt where I earned my

        Kemetic Yoga teacher training certification, pointed out that he believed his favorite

        pharaoh, Amenemhat III of the Middle Kingdom (the sixth king of the 12th Dynasty)

        was the inspiration for many european military uniforms and for the alien in the

        Predator films. What is also interesting about Amenemhat III is that even though his

        nose and beard have been removed, there is no question that he is a Black man. He

        has dreadlocks (framed as an “archaic, heavy unusual haircut”), African features

        (framed as “distinctive high cheekbones," etc.) and his image is carved into a black

        stone. The word "archaic" is an attempt to connect the art to Ancient Greece. The

        unapologetic and arduous efforts to minimize/erase the Black African presence from

        Kamitian (Ancient Egyptian) art reflects how deep-seated jealousy disguises itself

        as superiority complexes and fuels psychotic behavior to force sustainability of the

        illusions on the public. We keep thinking that creating laws will liberate us from the

        creation and perpetuation of harm, but legislation without inner transformation 

        pushes colonizers to develop and move through loopholes causing history to repeat

        itself. We will be stuck on this gerbil's wheel of psychosis until we reclaim our

        humanity by healing, improving our behaviors and cultivating self-love.

Collage of multicultural people on social media

☥ The addictive pull of social media that causes people to pay more attention to events

     occurring outside of themselves while promoting competition, jealousy, envy and ego

     games - this addictive pull can keep people trapped in the Page and Knight stages of

     development. However, social media can be used to share strategies for self-care,

     and the elevation of consciousness - especially for children who spend excessive

     time on these platforms. One of my spiritual assignments was to convert my social

     media pages to “Online Time Devoted To Self-Care” with strict instructions to post

     daily without checking to see if people have responded, to not check responses

     without permission from SPIRIT and to limit my communication to my Consultancy 

     page. My assignment also includes the understanding that the followers and

     engagement that I lose through the conversion process are a part of my training to be

     driven by inner wisdom and not outer "likes."

☥ “Binge-worthy” dramas that influence our behaviors - as an example, I have a family

     member who watches TV continuously and often leaves it on while sleeping. This

     person is addicted to drama and will prefer suffering over receiving solutions to their

     problems. As I’ve observed this person over the years, the pattern of behavior

     includes zoning out when hearing solutions because the drama of the stories that

     they repeatedly regurgitate attracts attention and makes them feel alive/important.

     When I was a child, this behavior created a great deal of stress for me whenever I was

     left in their care.

Indian woman with tattoo on the third eye

Truth ☥ Acceptance Third Eye Self-Empowerment

When we see an eye, red dot or image drawn in the middle of the forehead, it is a figurative representation of being able to see through the eyes of wisdom (can also be an indication of marriage in some cultures, etc.). Other examples of open or blocked (respectively) third eye chakras could include:

☥ A person who understands what you say, but then responds to what you didn’t say

☥ A person who purposely allows themselves to be caught committing adultery

    because they don’t have the courage to end the relationship

People with balanced third eye chakras are difficult to manipulate or control, so missionaries had to find a way to make the third eye scary or mystical. In today’s world, we see actors and comedians portraying the third eye as a real/tattooed eye in the middle of the forehead or a person who is overly enthusiastic about third eye spiritually to the point of being wildly eccentric or crazy. Science fiction multimedia places an eye on the forehead to denote an alien who is usually parasitic in behavior. The social programming has caused people, and especially Christians, to be fearful of the third eye.

Aryan invader

One of the ways that Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People can bring balance to our third eye chakra, is through the understanding of historical timelines that have been omitted or manipulated by colonizers. For example, let’s take a snapshot of a timeline of economic suppression and psychotic behavior that is often omitted from our history books:

Prehistoric Aryan invasions that implemented harsh caste systems, religious

    oppression and the dismantling of the cultural practices of Black ☥ Indigenous ☥

    Immigrant People which evolved into present day social programs 

☥ Mass murders of millions of Indigenous People who lived on lands that

    colonizers take credit for “discovering” and centuries of enslavement

 ☥ Medical experimentation on Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People to test out new

     drugs, learn about the human body, practice medical procedures, etc. These practices

     often included purposely infecting people with diseases that the medical industry

     was attempting to cure. Although it may be disguised in many different forms, this

     type of medical apartheid is still in effect today.

☥ Beginning in ~ the 18th Century

    ☥ Human zoos (some date back to the 16th Century) kidnapped, caged and publicly

        displayed Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People as savages/inferior people in their

        "natural habitat" to assert the civility and superiority of europeans. These human zoos rose to prominence in the 19th century and were the inspiration for spinoffs such as circus "freak shows."

   ☥ Experimentations in psychological warfare, such as the programming of Phillis

        Wheatley, that were promoted to colonizers worldwide as a strategy for controlling

        enslaved people after they have been “freed” (i.e. making Black ☥ Indigenous ☥

        Immigrant People the forward-facing front of false/negative propaganda or criminal

        activity, placing them as “puppets” in positions of power to ensure the stability of a

        eurocentric worldview, cause civil disturbances, etc.)

☥ 1860’s – The launch of Christian boarding schools that killed thousands of

     Indigenous children and physically/sexually abused many thousands more in a

     forced attempt to integrate them into white culture; inception of Jim Crow laws,

     circulation of postcards of lynched Black People, racist cartoons, etc.

☥ 1891 – The largest mass lynching in United States history occurred with Italian

     Immigrants who owned profitable businesses that threatened the local

     power structure of the Committee of Fifty (an elite group of white politicians,

     businessmen, etc.)

☥ 1920’s – Red Summer – mass murder of Black People and destruction of

     hundreds of Black businesses that spread from Tulsa, Oklahoma to

     Washington, DC.; forcing Black People into ghettos and bringing heroin into

     the communities, etc.

     residents to become homeless and paving the way for gentrification of the

     neighborhood (creation and funding of nonprofit organizations to talk about the

     "homeless problem" without solving it); bringing narcotics into the communities;

     political prisoners targeted, imprisoned or forced into exile, etc.

☥ 1980’s – Present Day - prison industrial complex, school to prison pipeline/targeting

     Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant children with financial incentives; crack

     cocaine/other drugs introduced into communities; push to legalize marijuana allowing

     colonizers to earn billions of dollars while leaving Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant

     People in prison for selling marijuana, rebranded as cannabis, etc.

☥ 2000’s – Present Day - strong resurgence of police brutality in Black ☥ Indigenous

     communities and anti-immigrant policies and propaganda, etc.

☥ 2023 - Australia votes against a proposal that would have recognized Aboriginal

     People in the Australian Constitution. The proposal would have been a step towards

     healing and reversing the effects of racism, oppression and disenfranchisement.

     Black and Indigenous People are not recognized in the American Declaration of

    Independence, but Indigenous People are referred to as "merciless Indian savages."

     Black People and women are not mentioned in the United States Constitution, but

     Black People are alluded to in the "three fifths of all other persons" passage located

     within Article. I., Section. 2.

If we review the snapshot of events above, we see a thread of violence, psychotic behavior and the determination to suppress and oppress Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People, yet when we speak up about the injustice, colonizers accuse us of spreading hate. Recently, Jill Scott changed the lyrics to the American National Anthem and performed it live during the Essence Festival:

Oh say can you see by the blood in the streets?

That this place doesn’t smile on you colored child.

Whose blood built this land with sweat and their hands,

But you’ll die in this place and your memory erased.

Oh say, does this truth hold any weight?

This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slaves.

If we analyze the lyrics, we see that they reflect the truth of our historical timeline. What in the lyrics above spreads hate and division? Colonizers will consistently make comments to deflect and minimize their behavior such as:

You’re spreading hate

You’re dividing the country

If it is so bad here, then go somewhere else (a white man suggested that Jill

    Scott move to Afghanistan)

These comments are a strategy to deflect the reader away from the actual issues. They are also a distraction designed to waste our time as we continually explain and justify our actions. We cannot allow ourselves to be caught up in debates over what we already know to be true. However, if we are able to do so with a calm mind and balanced emotions, we could cite some of the facts from our historical timeline to “substantiate the data” of the song which would expose the ignorance and manipulation of colonizers.

How do we heal if we will not acknowledge the truth about our history and current behaviors? The comments are a truly fascinating study of the effects of social programming, and the resistance one faces when attempting to shine a light in areas that have long been dark.

Other horrors of colonization include the rapid spread of diseases (often caused by poor hygiene, rape, zoophilia, etc.) and sexual perversions such as the practice of force breeding and inbreeding of enslaved or otherwise conquered Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People. Over time, economic suppression caused many cultures to engage in inbreeding for survival or to keep money/property within family lines. Invasions from the Romans and Greeks forced Egyptians into the practice of marrying their siblings as a desperate attempt to keep the power structure in the family. The siblings married, but had concubines so that they could have families with the person they loved while maintaining their public leadership roles.

As difficult as this glimpse of our history’s timeline is to accept, acknowledgement of the truth helps us to balance our third eye chakra. Protesting inhumane behavior is a very small part of the counterstrategy, but it is where we tend to place most of our energy. The wisdom of the third eye chakra helps us to see actions that we need to take on a daily basis to reclaim our stolen legacies and facilitate the restoration of our humanity. This acceptance of reality includes colonizer behaviors that have not changed and will not change until we change our responses. We remain stuck and inactive for as long as we linger in the I can't believe this is happening/I have to prove my worth mental space. Awareness and acceptance of the truth helps us to see powerful counterstrategies so that we will take action. Let’s explore a few examples of activating the power of the third eye chakra to help us accept reality and take actions that heal and reverse the course of these physical, mental, emotional and social dis-eases.

Acceptance Of The Reality Of Professional Sabotage + Healing Counterstrategies

Accept that our lives are being studied and our work will get appropriated. Being angry about this reality will toxify our liver and protesting it as a solo strategy will not protect us. For protection, we need to implement a different set of daily actions such as:

☥ Keep our actions to ourselves. Instead of telling people what we are going to do, allow

    them to discover what we have already done. The only people who need to know what

    we are going to do before we do it are people who surpass our benchmarks for trust.

☥ Be mindful of what we post to social media. The advent of artificial intelligence is

    making it much easier for colonizers to know what we are thinking, how we are

    thinking, why we are thinking what we are thinking and it can predict what we will do

    and when we will do it.

☥ Stay rooted and connected to our identity ☥ culture to protect us from the patterns of

    professional sabotage and appropriation. The pattern generally is to shame what we

    produce while colonizers study and figure out how to mass market it. Although we are

    spammed with propaganda on a daily basis, we cannot allow ourselves to be

    influenced by it. What practices can we implement to reinforce the truth of who we are

    while identifying and rejecting the propaganda?

Black child watching television

Acceptance Of The Reality Of Social Programming + Healing Counterstrategies

The tragedy of the manipulation of Phillis Wheatley proved that social programming is most effective when it begins in early childhood. Our children are under constant psychological attack via TV/social media. Our job is to teach them who they are, how to tap into the truest part of themselves, how to heal ☥ allow their inner wisdom to drive their outer actions.

 ☥ It is vitally important that we do all that we can to send our children to a Black ☥

     Indigenous school or homeschool our children. There are very few options available

     within the private or public school systems, such as Kingmakers Of Oakland, offering

     our children an education that protects them from Eurocentrism.

☥ Teach our children how to love, accept and control the natural sensations of their

     physical bodies to prevent mental, emotional and sexual manipulation. When I was in

     middle school, the white girls started getting mononucleosis because they were

     having oral sex with multiple boys at a time, and some of them were practicing on

     their pets at home. Zoophilia is one of the reasons why so many Indigenous People

     were killed off by colonizers, who were having sex with sheep. Bestiality predates

     Ancient Greece, but the data reveals that it was an accepted part of their culture. It is

     important for us to understand that sexually transmitted diseases often stem from

     this behavior and the marketing messages are tightly controlled. To learn more about

     protecting our children from mental, emotional and sexual manipulation, study Is He A

     a litany of counterstrategies.

☥ Teach our children how to see the propaganda in TV, movies and especially

     advertisements. Also, before taking them to see a popular superhero/shero movie, be

     sure that they know about their culture. Often times, the superhero/shero is based on

     or appropriated from African, Indigenous or Asian cultures.

Jealous Black woman

Acceptance Of The Reality Of Jealousy + Healing Counterstrategies

In Is He A Knight, King or Emperor? I briefly discuss how we too often underestimate the power of jealousy to influence our friends/family/colleagues. Most of this jealousy is learned through social behavior and programming and, unless we heal our past traumas, it will drive a large percentage of our actions. Our third eye chakra offers us the wisdom of discernment through knowledge of self and seeing things as they are. When we know who we are, we also know that what we came to bring to the world can only be brought through us which removes the fuel that drives jealousy. As we learn to accept and heal ourselves, we will also recognize that most people have not done this type of self-work. The stigma attached to jealousy causes people to go to great lengths to hide it as the root cause of their behavior. Let’s take a look at a few ways that it can sabotage our lives.

☥ Accept that family and friends will not want us to change, especially if the change

     takes us to a much higher level of consciousness or socioeconomic status. Fear of

     loneliness and isolation could keep us from evolving in consciousness, but solitude is

     the pathway to inner peace and fulfillment of our potential. In the midst of our

     personal growth, we often fail to recognize the signs of the jealousy of others and

     tend to struggle to find the balance between loving people as they are, establishing

     and asserting healthy boundaries and continuing to evolve personally and

     professionally. Though it may seem uncomfortable at first, our third eye chakra helps

     us to see beyond the surface behaviors of others so that we may respond from a

     loving place that is rooted and grounded in the truest part of ourselves.

☥ It can be difficult to accept that our elders or parents are jealous of us, because we

     expect “older” to mean “mature.” Is He A Knight, King or Emperor? helps us to

     understand that our older relatives may be stuck in the Page or Knight stage of

     development because of unresolved trauma that they are unaware/afraid of or don’t

     know how to heal. Acceptance means that we can see past our expectations of what

     we wished people were, and recognize them for who they are. Older generations were

     forced into many forms of disenfranchisement without the understanding of how to

     heal, but we cannot enable their substandard behaviors. When we see through the

     eyes of compassion, we love them, but we also establish and assert healthy

     boundaries. If they strongly resist/continually test our boundaries, remain firm which

     cultivates ☥ sustains trust ☥ respect and offers them an opportunity to heal.

☥ White women will relentlessly attempt to sabotage the romantic relationships of Black

     ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant women. This socially acceptable and rewarded dynamic has

     spiraled into a social epidemic for Black heterosexual women, but it is steadily

     growing within Indigenous ☥ Immigrant ☥ Gender Non-Conforming communities.

     Ignoring the problem will not make it go away or protect our relationships. We have to

     cultivate benchmarks for trust and have candid conversations with our spouse ☥

     partner about sabotage, temptation, respect and co-created counterstrategies for

     responding to the incessant sexual advances of white women, which includes sexual

     victimization (no Black/African/African Americans were mentioned in the federal data 

     published in the 'Aggression and Violent Behavior' Review Journal). While it may

     seem like a scary conversation to have, it is the pathway to protecting and deepening

     the intimacy of our relationship and it protects us from Black ☥ Indigenous ☥

     Immigrant men who have sex with white women (or men) on the "down low" and

     contract/spread sexually transmitted diseases. The jealousy of white women runs so

     deep that it drives them to intentionally engage in zoophilia to contract sexually

     transmitted diseases in order to purposely sabotage relationships with Black ☥

     Indigenous ☥ Immigrant women. Underground films, such as Animal Farm, have

     attempted to promote a resurgence of beastiality in the 1970's and 1980's in europe

     and in American pornography. We also have to accept that white men will attempt to

     sabotage our relationships indirectly, subtly or in a way that is difficult to trace back to

     them because they can afford to hire people to do their dirty work. Examples include global strategies such as funding and participating in the billion-dollar sex trafficking

     industrial complex and pornography industries. Protecting ourselves forces colonizers

     to either acknowledge and heal the mental/emotional disorders that drives

     psychotic/violent behavior or it will "out" their behaviors to the general public in a way

     that it can no longer be ignored/continued without punitive interventions.

In the scenarios listed above, our lack of acceptance of realities that we don't want to face keeps us from establishing ☥ enforcing benchmarks for trust ☥ healthy boundaries.

Black man arm wrestling with son

Acceptance Of The Reality Of Our True Worth + Activation Strategies

Colonizers would not work so hard to block our third eye chakra if we were truly inferior to them. If I were told that I had to arm wrestle Mother Teresa or a child, not only would I not bother to train, but I wouldn’t wrestle them because I wouldn’t want to hurt them. I know that my upper body strength is superior to theirs. To be clear, I am not superior to them, but my muscles are stronger. 

Superior                                                                                                                                              Of high quality: high or higher in quality; great or greater in amount, number or degree; ... a person of higher rank or status than another                                                                                                                                                       ☥ Oxford Languages ☥                        

My quality as a person is equal to a child or Mother Teresa. Rank and status are both products of social programming. We have to use our innate wisdom to weed out the social programming and extract the true meanings of words. Even if we explore the definition within the context of the military, rank is supposed to denote the successful completion of a rite of passage, not a person's worth. Let's consider a different scenario. What if I had to arm wrestle Michael B. Jordan? There is no way that I could beat him because his upper body strength ☥ strength potential ☥ body (+ hormonal) composition is naturally stronger than mine. It would take me years to match his workout routine, and even then, I would not be able to match his testosterone/other hormone levels or grow my muscles to the same size. If I trained for a very long time, I could technically harness my Qi strength to overpower him, but the intensive practice of Qigong would elevate my consciousness to the point that it would negate my desire to arm wrestle him at all. But let’s say that I had to arm wrestle him. How could I ensure a win without sabotage? Colonizers don’t sabotage us because we are inferior to them. They sabotage us to slow us down long enough to take what we have by force/manipulation and surpass us, but to what end? Happy, healthy, powerful people want to see, mentor and be around happy, healthy, powerful people. People who don't know how to heal and/or cultivate inner power want to hurt other people because of an emotional addiction to the instant gratification of feeling powerful. If we were truly inferior, colonizers wouldn’t pay attention to us at all.

One of the reasons why I created to be a 'Healing Space For Everyone That Centers Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People' is because we all need to heal in order to co-create a better world, but we cannot heal if we do not center the truth ☥ our identity ☥ culture. Our third eye chakra shows us who we are and how to protect ourselves ☥ stand in our power.

I loved to watch cartoons as a child, but I was confused by the archetypal villain, because I couldn’t understand why they were driven by a compulsion to rule the world. The villain’s psychotic fantasies of having the entire world and its peoples under their subjugation is another example of the Instant Gratification + Knee Jerk Reaction Webs Of Deception. They want to feel powerful without doing the work of balancing their chakras and cultivating inner power because they don’t know how to heal or what to do with their pain. Outer possessions cannot remove pain, so the villain ends up on a gerbil’s wheel of constantly chasing distractions through acquisition. When colonizers become the heavy weight champions of the world because they murder or sabotage all of the contenders, they are forced to create a false definition of “champion” and to continue murdering/sabotaging in order to sustain their title.

Colonizers fail to recognize the inevitability of self-destruction caused by creating and perpetuating harm, willful ignorance and forcing their whitewashed monolithic education on the world. What happens when they have a problem that can’t be solved monolithically/without pluralistic multicultural collaboration? Once the trees in the rainforest are destroyed, thoughts and behaviors have been whitewashed and possessions are appropriated, what will colonizers do except destroy themselves?

The magic of healing our mind, body and emotions is that psychosis is transformed into the creation/perpetuation of fulfillment that evolves consciousness and spawns an exciting ripple effect of creativity, innovation, exuberance and inner peace.

Black girl washing hands

Elementary school was like the first season of The Walking Dead, a TV series about a zombie apocalypse. I was excited to go to school, but then had to deal with these white kids who would not stop attacking, touching, taunting, hunting and knocking me to the ground. Just like in the TV series, I had to do some recon to figure out that these people who were attacking me were something called “white” which apparently made them something called “better” and that I was something called “Black” which made me “bad.” This confused me so much because I couldn’t figure out why people who thought I was so “bad” couldn’t keep their hands off of me. I often felt filthy whenever the white kids would touch me and would run to wash my hands or whatever spot they touched. I realized later that my behavior was actually caused by witnessing the rape of a Black girl in my neighborhood by a white teen. At any rate, the washing was how my child brain processed the trauma of what I saw. The white kids would constantly be touching me and talking to each other about my hair and skin like I was a specimen in a human zoo. One day, the teacher caught me pulling my hand away from a white girl and sent me to the principal’s office. When I explained that the white kids would not stop touching me, he replied “You people are so sensitive! They are just trying to be friendly!” I was punished for asserting the need for consent, and the principal confirmed that the white kids had more rights to my body than me. He also warned me to watch my step. How was this different from enslavement? Nothing seemed to stop them from coming after me, yet they proclaimed an image of themselves as superior. In my mind, I couldn’t resolve the conflict of a group of people who insisted that they were better than everyone when their behaviors were unapologetically predatory and parasitic.

By the time we get to about Season Four of The Walking Dead, the characters have figured out how to protect themselves and have accepted that the zombies are a permanent part of the new world, they are predators and they will not stop attacking. The show shifts its focus away from the zombies to the larger issues and this is where our third eye chakra comes in. The most pressing issue of the show was, “What is humanity now and how do we sustain it in the midst of our new reality?” The zombies are still a major threat, but the story is focused on the humans’ fight to reclaim their humanity because the zombies have caused humans to turn against each other in order to survive. After a time, we don’t know whether The Walking Dead is about the zombies or the humans.

Black woman looking upward

This major digression is necessary because if we do not allow our inner wisdom to drive our outer actions, we are in danger of becoming like colonizers (through trauma bonding). Racial fatigue often causes Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People to sabotage each other in order to survive because we are too exhausted to realize that we can walk through hell without being infected or affected by hell. This is the wisdom of Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy, who descended into hell unscathed to pull Ausar out. The reason why we can’t see the solution is because our third eye chakra is blocked. Restoring balance protects us from succumbing to predatory behaviors as a defense mechanism and enables us to see a way forward that serves the highest good. If we look at the concept of a refiner’s fire as described in the Bible, we learn that a refiner holds metal in the fire to remove impurities. The fire doesn't harm or kill the metal during the purification process. Our consistent, disciplined self-care practices such as establishing ☥ enforcing benchmarks for trust and healthy boundaries, speaking ☥ living the truth, honing our mental ☥ emotional resiliency ☥ protective skills, and, most importantly, our identification, healing and removal of social programming from our thoughts and behaviors will place and hold colonizers in the fire until they are purified.

In the later seasons of The Walking Dead, we see an interesting trend. The characters would be in the middle of a conversation, and zombies would approach. They would often continue with their conversation while neutralizing the zombies.

We cannot allow anything to keep us from evolving in consciousness, but we do have to protect ourselves from predatory behaviors. The counterstrategies listed above provide examples of how to protect ourselves without becoming like those who attempt to harm us.

Third eye chakra mandal with Black woman doing yoga in the background

Balancing Strategies For The Third Eye Chakra

Indigo is the color of intuition. We catalyze balance of our third eye chakra by:

☥ Wearing the color indigo

☥ Building a beautiful indigo altar with indigo candles ☥ healing gemstones such as

    amethyst and sapphire

Fasting with kichadi ☥ herbs nourishes and balances our third eye chakra. Essential oils ☥ herbs that heal the third eye chakra include violet, frankincense, wormwood, mugwort, linden flowers, thyme, sage, eucalyptus, lemon and basil. Trāṭak meditation brings much needed oxygenated blood to the area. Investigate and emulate specific Gods ☥ Goddesses such as Ra ☥ Sun God ☥ God Of Fire ☥ Ọrunmila God Of Wisdom ☥ Tlāhuizcalpantecuhtli ☥ Fire Star God ॐ Shiva ॐ God Of Yoga (yoga means "union with God"). Mantras that heal and balance our third eye chakra include:

☥ Om

☥ Sum K Shum

☥ Om Hakini Namaha

☥ Om Tapaha

Sahasrāra  The Crown Chakra

Sahasrāra means "thousand petal lotus flower." It is the seventh chakra and governs our pineal gland, upper brain, head, scalp, hair, central nervous system, movement of cerebral spinal fluid and all of our senses. The location of the crown chakra resides at the top of our cranium (where our soft spot was when we were an infant). It is the embodiment of all elements, including the element of metal, which is not included in traditional East Indian studies, and is symbolized by the color violet. The energy of our crown chakra moves from the root up and from SPIRIT down. We cultivate discernment through higher consciousness, connection to the astral plane (universal realm of existence), future manifestations, balance of the body, integration of all senses, happiness, enlightenment, fulfillment, understanding the interconnectedness of the body, non-judgement, objectiveness and the release of negative energy and thought. If our crown chakra were a coin, one side would be our integration of spiritual knowledge and the other side would be recognition of our divinity.

When our crown chakra is in balance, we experience oneness, happiness and fulfillment. When out of balance, we may experience escapism, nervous disorders, insanity, scalp disease, seizures/tumors, epilepsy and muscular disorders. A blockage of the crown chakra could result in an array of disorders such as feeling stupefied (unable to think/feel properly), dense, stuck in old patterns, low energy and a lack of clarity.

Balancing Strategies For The Crown Chakra

Violet is the color of intuition ☥ deep insight, and white contains all colors. Spiritual connection balances the energy flowing through our crown chakra. We also catalyze movement by:

 Wearing the colors violet ☥ white

 Building a beautiful violet ☥ white altar with violet ☥ white candles ☥ healing

    gemstones such as clear quartz, diamond and amethyst

Fasting with kichadi ☥ herbs nourishes and balances our crown chakra. We can also enjoy nourishing and crown chakra balancing foods such as blackberries, broccoli tops, grapes (with seeds) coconut and dates.

Essential oils ☥ herbs that heal the crown chakra include benzoin, frankincense, sandalwood, angelica, rosewood, rose, basil, ravensara, tulsi and lotus. Practicing Qigong ☥ Yoga will bring much needed oxygenated blood to the area. We can also learn about and emulate specific Gods ☥ Goddesses such as Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy, Ọbàtálá ☥ God Of Creation ☥ Yaya (Hayah) ☥ Great Spirit ॐ Shiva ॐ God Of Yoga. Mantras that heal and balance our crown chakra include:

☥ Om

☥ So Hum

☥ Om Katyayani Namaha

☥ Om Satyam

Discernment ☥ Wisdom ☥ Energy That Moves Us ☥ Keep It Flowing ☥ Root To Crown

Epilogue ☥ Your Treasure Map For Self-Care

Self-Care is like a treasure map that leads us to the truest part of ourselves.

The content within this blog explores the following questions
Click on this image to magnify ☥ guide your process.

Thank you for taking the time to actively engage in your own self-care. If you have ever spent time at a hammam ☥ steam room ☥ sauna, you will notice that it is a comfortable space because you are wearing minimal or no clothing and you can just be yourself. However, after a short time, it starts to get hot, and you begin to sweat.

This is a good thing because you are helping your body to eliminate toxins. If you want to detoxify your body correctly you will:

☥ Breathe slowly and deeply to help your body adjust to the intensity of the heat.

☥ Sip water every 15 minutes to stay hydrated.

☥ Have a piece of fruit ☥ pumpkin seeds ☥ favorite healthy snack available.

☥ Take a shower after excessive sweating.

☥ Go into a cold room/take a cold plunge/cold water rinse off to cool down before doing

    another sweat and to stimulate your lymphatic system.

☥ Go for a walk in nature, spend time in meditation ☥ contemplation, have a healthy meal

     and give your body some time to complete the healing process (which could include

     sending you messages through your intuition about your next steps).

As you journey through ☥ interact with the blogs ☥ other content on, you might have an insight that causes you to suddenly feel mentally ☥ emotionally “hot” -- which could show up as:

☥ “Ah-ha” moments

☥ A hop-in-the-bed-and-cry-yourself-to-sleep or fetal position crying time of intensive


☥ Intense feelings of anger/regret about something in your past

☥ Disorientation caused by the realization of truth

Strong reactions such as heightened senses, vomiting; an urge to release emotions

    such as yelling/screaming, going outside for fresh air/to take a walk, punching a

    boxing bag/pillow; a feeling of tightness in the chest, etc.


When we face ☥ transcend our challenges, they no longer have power over us.

If you find yourself having a strong reaction, I encourage you to flow with it while helping your body to release mental ☥ emotional toxins by using the same five self-care strategies listed above for releasing physical toxins. Your body talks to you all the time, but unconscious adherence to social conditioning can mute its messages.

Strong reactions are your body’s way of letting you know that there is a deeper issue requiring your attention.

Keep revisiting the content ☥ utilizing the five self-care strategies until you no longer experience the strong reaction, release fears and have identified ☥ transformed ☥ removed the root cause of the issue. You will find additional strategies throughout this website that you can add to your mental health self-care toolkit.

Self-Care Sustainability Suggestions

     ☥ A Cross-Cultural Healing Haven – read this blog to understand the purpose of

 and the meaning behind its organization ☥ symbols.

          ☥ Revisit the content periodically and make a note of if/how your perceptions have

               evolved. Check out our blog page for an experiential healing journey.

     ☥ Check out the other pages on

          ☥ Home - watch the videos. Click on the images in the Spiritual Guidance

               section. Each image has a story that might assist your self-care journey. Learn

               about other spiritual practices.

          ☥ About - Learn about my background ☥ reasons for co-creating

     with Spirit. Explore healing through the image carousel and


          ☥ Shop Kamitology - Purchase and download vital tools for your personal growth

              ☥ development. Order The Chakra Emotions Energy Wisdom Quick Start Toolkit to

               help you identify and heal feelings as they arise.

          ☥ Reclaiming Our Humanity - Help us develop and disseminate video courses.

          ☥ Rise TV - Practice breathing and movement exercises and deepen your

              understanding of healing through the experiences of community members.

              Check back periodically to discover new/re-experience the content.

          ☥ Journey - This is your invitation to own the journey to radiance. Experience the

              journey and download healing resources to share with your friends, family and


When you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you.


About Sharing ...

During my first presentation to an all-Black audience, I introduced 20-year-old research on the hazards of sitting. I presented the research because I noticed that people sat for way too long at convenings and realized that the information was not disseminated to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. I was determined to intentionally include this research, often surprising participants by getting people up to stretch. After more than 13 years of intentional work, Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People are just barely beginning to normalize conscious movement. We still have a long way to go, and it is important that we share what we know as much as we can to prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities.   


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Epilogue ☥ Your Treasure Map For Self-Care. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>

Please do not keep to yourself. We will not co-create a better world until we heal our current, past/childhood traumas. We will not love others until we learn to love ourselves.





About Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard's work as a Health Warrior

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