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Can We Talk About Love?

Writer's picture: ©Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard©Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard

Updated: Jan 5

Run towards love.

Black woman running on the beach
Someone who does not run toward the allure of love walks a road where nothing lives. But this dove here senses the love hawk floating above, and waits, and will not be driven or scared to safety. ☥ Rumi ☥

Our feelings arise from love or fear.

Black woman with hands over eyes; Black man with hand over heart

Love simply wants to love and be loved. It has no other agenda.

Healthy pregnant Black woman at the beach

Love is a verb that heals and sets healthy boundaries.

Asian man asserting boundaries

Love forgives.

Black couple forgiving each other

Love grows, evolves and transforms.

Fiddlehead with pensive Black man

Black woman presenting to a multicultural group

Love seeks the win-win solution.

Multicultural group with puzzle pieces

Black woman meditating for higher consciousness

Women mentoring each other

Love has nothing to prove only gifts to share.

Indigenous woman dancing

Run towards the healing ☥ transformation of fear.

How fear sabotages our mind

Fear is a verb that:

☥ Causes us to take actions just to see how others will react or to attract attention

☥ Plays games with the mind and heart

Gaslights, breadcrumbs and projects to avoid healing issues within one's self

☥ Seeks revenge

☥ Continually attempts to control and manipulate

☥ Hides behind false personas to mask insecurities and feelings of unworthiness

☥ Cannot celebrate the accomplishments of others and feels that what others

achieve takes away from their opportunities

☥ Is jealous and envious

☥ Takes things personally

☥ Plays the zero-sum game

☥ Is constantly seeking approval

fear or fearless sign

What else would you add to these lists? Reflect upon your life and ask yourself: In ______ area of my life, am I running towards love or avoiding fear? Then celebrate or change course and keep going.

two lane road with sun coming through trees

Epilogue ☥ Your Treasure Map For Self-Care

Self-Care is like a treasure map that leads us to the truest part of ourselves.

The content within this blog explores the following questions
Click on this image to magnify ☥ guide your process.

Thank you for taking the time to actively engage in your own self-care. If you have ever spent time at a hammam ☥ steam room ☥ sauna, you will notice that it is a comfortable space because you are wearing minimal or no clothing and you can just be yourself. However, after a short time, it starts to get hot, and you begin to sweat.

This is a good thing because you are helping your body to eliminate toxins. If you want to detoxify your body correctly you will:

☥ Breathe slowly and deeply to help your body adjust to the intensity of the heat.

☥ Sip water every 15 minutes to stay hydrated.

☥ Have a piece of fruit ☥ pumpkin seeds ☥ favorite healthy snack available.

☥ Take a shower after excessive sweating.

☥ Go into a cold room/take a cold plunge/cold water rinse off to cool down before doing

another sweat and to stimulate your lymphatic system.

☥ Go for a walk in nature, spend time in meditation ☥ contemplation, have a healthy meal

and give your body some time to complete the healing process (which could include

sending you messages through your intuition about your next steps).

As you journey through ☥ interact with the blogs ☥ other content on, you might have an insight that causes you to suddenly feel mentally ☥ emotionallyhot” -- which could show up as:

☥ “Ah-ha” moments

☥ A hop-in-the-bed-and-cry-yourself-to-sleep or fetal position crying time of intensive


☥ Intense feelings of anger/regret about something in your past

☥ Disorientation caused by the realization of truth

Strong reactions such as heightened senses, vomiting; an urge to release emotions

such as yelling/screaming, going outside for fresh air/to take a walk, punching a

boxing bag/pillow; a feeling of tightness in the chest, etc.

When we face ☥ transcend our challenges, they no longer have power over us.

If you find yourself having a strong reaction, I encourage you to flow with it while helping your body to release mental ☥ emotional toxins by using the same five self-care strategies listed above for releasing physical toxins. Your body talks to you all the time, but unconscious adherence to social conditioning can mute its messages.

Strong reactions are your body’s way of letting you know that there is a deeper issue requiring your attention.

Keep revisiting the content ☥ utilizing the five self-care strategies until you no longer experience the strong reaction, release fears and have identified ☥ transformed ☥ removed the root cause of the issue. You will find additional strategies throughout this website that you can add to your mental health self-care toolkit.

Self-Care Sustainability Suggestions

A Cross-Cultural Healing Haven – read this blog to understand the purpose of and the meaning behind its organization ☥ symbols.

☥ Revisit the content periodically and make a note of if/how your perceptions have

evolved. Check out our blog page for an experiential healing journey.

☥ Check out the other pages on

Home - watch the videos. Click on the images in the Spiritual Guidance section.

Each image has a story that might assist your self-care journey. Learn about

other spiritual practices.

About - Learn about my background ☥ reasons for co-creating

with Spirit. Explore healing through the image carousel and videos.

Shop Kamitology - Purchase and download vital tools for your personal growth

☥ development.

Reclaiming Our Humanity - Help us develop and disseminate video courses.

Rise TV - Practice breathing and movement exercises and deepen your

understanding of healing through the experiences of community members.

Check back periodically to discover new/re-experience the content.

Journey - This is your invitation to own the journey to radiance. Experience the

journey and download healing resources to share with your friends, family and


When you share healing, healing comes back to and flows through you.

About Sharing ...

During my first presentation to an all-Black audience, I introduced 20-year-old research on the hazards of sitting. I presented the research because I noticed that people sat for way too long at convenings and realized that the information was not disseminated to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities. I was determined to intentionally include this research, often surprising participants by getting people up to stretch. After more than 13 years of intentional work, Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People are just barely beginning to normalize conscious movement. We still have a long way to go, and it is important that we share what we know as much as we can to prevent the disenfranchisement of wellness information to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant communities.


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Can We Talk About Love? PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>

Please do not keep to yourself. We will not co-create a better world until we heal our current, past/childhood traumas. We will not love others until we learn to love ourselves.




The "Can We Talk About Love?" Collection From Kamit☥ology
"Can We Talk About Love?” is a collection from Kamit☥ology. Kamit☥ology is a celebration of identity ☥ ancestry ☥ culture and the study of you. This collection offers pluralistic strategies for loving ☥ accepting ourselves so that we may cultivate healthy, loving relationships. Click on the picture above to view and purchase the full collection.


About Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard's work as a Health Warrior







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☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Pharaoh Menkaure Of The Fourth Dynasty (Age Of The Pyramids ☥ 2700–2200 BC) ☥
☥ Ma'at ☥ Goddess Of Truth ☥ Justice ☥ Cosmic Order ☥
☥ Auset ☥ Goddess Of Alchemy ☥ The Body Whisperer Extraordinaire ☥
☥ Ausar ☥ God Of Transformation ☥ Our Ancestors ☥
☥ Hathor ☥ Goddess of Love ☥ Pharaoh Menkaure ☥ Bat ☥ Goddess of Interdependent Opposites ☥
☥ Sekhmet ☥ Warrior Goddess ☥ Goddess Of Healing ☥
"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." ☥ African Proverb ☥

☥ Disclaimer 

Radiant Health Strategies and advises that in the case of ill health, pregnancy, and other serious health conditions, a licensed medical practitioner must always be consulted prior to using any product or service sold by Our product information, education, evaluation, counseling and descriptions of alternative and holistic medicine are in no way intended as an allopathic medical claim to “prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure” any situation.

You can help fulfill its mission of producing mental wellness, leadership and healing content (uninfluenced by sponsors' agendas) and making it available for free ☥ open access to Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant Communities.

Support and sustain our work through sponsorships, grants or donations:


Copy/Paste Version Of A Full Citation Example: 

Hubbard, P. S. (2020, September 27). Fall Back Into Self-Care. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM. <>


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