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What Does ☥ॐ☯ Mean?
So Many Blogs ... Where Do I Start? 

How Do We Break Free From Social Programming? By Stepping Outside Of The Norm ... 

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Welcome to the PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM blogs. Because so many of you find me through the blog page, I wanted to offer some guidance. Each blog is like a piece of the puzzle that was blown apart by colonization. It can be disorienting to discover that colonization has so skillfully hidden these pieces, we often don't realize that they were missing or taken away from us. An exploration into the life of Phillis Wheatley illustrates how psychological manipulation can prevent us from even recognizing some of these puzzle pieces. As we discover the missing pieces and put the puzzle of our lives back together, we heal ourselves and restore the dignity of our ancestors through reconnection to our identity ☥ culture. Healing is a discovery process that beacons us to trust our inner wisdom. However, in order to covertly sustain racism and oppression, the minds of the oppressed are continually conditioned to adhere to social programs which prevents us from recognizing or accessing our inner wisdom (also called our intuition). For this reason, we have been socially programmed to believe that others have the answer and we must seek guidance outside of ourselves to validate who we are and what we know. These social programs manipulate the oppressed and destroys the humanity of the oppressor which perpetuates cycles of trauma and benefits no one. It is time for all of us to heal and co-create a loving world. These blogs endeavor to help us set ourselves free and reconnect with the truest part of ourselves.


I've included previews above and below this message. Some of the video previews are exclusive sneak peeks of blogs that will publish soon. If you are curious about the symbols, images, design and purpose of this website, I suggest reading "A Cross-Cultural Healing Haven" as your first blog. If you want to understand social programming, check out "Journey To The Dream." White Allies and people who think linearly might want to read the blogs in order, starting with the oldest blogs first for historical context and to get comfortable with the content. However, if you see an image that speaks to you or feel pulled towards a title or description, trust your inner wisdom (your intuition  SPIRIT ☥ the God inside you) and begin there. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM is designed to evolve and grow with you at your pace. I highly recommend that you start a Blog Club, with a well-vetted, trusted cohort (or your spouse, significant other, etc.), to help you study the concepts and put them to practice. No matter where you go on this website, you will find what you need in a way that works for you and at the time you need it. Trust yourself, enjoy your journey, Be Well and Be Radiant.

It is only ignorance that hinders the healing of any disease or condition, and the cure for ignorance is knowledge ... Don't stop reading and don't stop thinking. - Dr. Bernard Jensen

Blog Page Benefits

An Experiential Healing Journey 

"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."


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